Now you can do a full test before using Tutioune

Messagede F6DZP » Dim 3 Nov 2013 08:01

with the new version : CheckMatos V4.1 you can check all your PC installation.
There are 5 groups of Tests:
1 - Check your tuner PCI card and driver installation.
2 - Check if you have Directshow filters installed and your QSL card is in the Directory
3- Check if your computer can play a TS file - mpeg2 encoded - so check also for Audio and video Codec installation
4 - Check Network availability for UDP sending ( to VLC, TSreader ...) and for WEB-XML sending to your TiouneMonitor.
5 - Check if the TS data coming from your PCI card can be sent to the Directshow graph for decoding.

Before tests :
CheckMatos V4_1 before tests.jpg
CheckMatos V4_1 before tests.jpg (128.35 Kio) Vu 33172 fois

after having done all tests you must have all leds green.

CheckMatos V4_1 after tests.jpg
CheckMatos V4_1 after tests.jpg (173.06 Kio) Vu 33172 fois

You can find and download this software in the download section:

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Now you can do a full test before using Tutioune

Messagede kb3pmr » Dim 10 Nov 2013 21:13

I just down loaded the CheckMatos V4_1 and ran it. Everything seems fine with the exception that I do not have green lights on the DMA and the Buffer. Do I need this for the S2-1600 board? Windows 7, 32 bit. This was just a dry run with out the antenna hooked up to the High Sierra down converter. If I do need it, what does it do and how can I fix the problem?

Please cancel the above. As an update...after install the V4.1 worked as above. We powered down and walked away knowing I would report this problem. Seems, that perhaps it was not a problem. Upon 100 mile return home with the truck and getting it set back up to the dish that it just needed to power down and reboot. I would presume that after down loading that perhaps a reboot/restart of the computer is in order. I am not sure but it worked for me.

Thanks Bob kb3pmr
Messages: 15
Inscription: 19 Aoû 2013
Localisation: Fredericksburg, Pa.

Error Message

Messagede VE4NSA » Mer 13 Nov 2013 03:12

Running CheckMatos V42.2 all is green with the exception of:

Play TS from file.
Error message ($80040265) "Cannot play back the file. The format is not supported"

The enclosed F6DZp_Test file plays fine with Windows MediaPlayer.


Messages: 7
Inscription: 12 Oct 2013

Re: Now you can do a full test before using Tutioune

Messagede F6DZP » Mer 13 Nov 2013 21:41

I think you forgot to install LAV directshow filters as I explain in the download page:
You can read :
If you want to read the TS file you must first install LAV directshow filters.
You can find them here:
By clicking on "Version 0.59: Installer (both x86/x64)" download and install file : LAVfilters-0.59.exe ( click right to run as Administrator under Win7)
this will allow to read TS files and give you many codecs: mpeg2, AC3 ...

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Now you can do a full test before using Tutioune

Messagede VE4NSA » Mer 13 Nov 2013 23:21


It worked for the CheckMatos. Now, is this necessary also for the T-Software?

If yes, it would be helpful to modify the installation instructions. Let me know and I can help.

Messages: 7
Inscription: 12 Oct 2013

Re: Now you can do a full test before using Tutioune

Messagede F6DZP » Dim 17 Nov 2013 05:09

Hello Stephan,

No : LAV gives principally 3 tools (Directshow filters):
- mpeg2 audio decoder -> no need for win7 but useful for win XP that don't have
- mpeg2 video decoder -> no need for win7 but useful for win XP that don't have
- TS file reader/splitter that allow Win XP and Win7 to read TS file format.
( VLC and mediaplayer have their own reader- they don't use windows capacity for that)
As in CheckMatos we want to test if a PC is able to decode a TS, we need a test file and we need to read it and decode it.
If we use Win7, Tutioune doesn't need LAV reader/splitter filter as Tutioune doesn't have to read a TS file from disk.
If we use Win XP and don't have already installed mpeg2 audio and video decoder, LAV installation can be a solution to get them.

Thank you for your remarks.

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Now you can do a full test before using Tutioune

Messagede F6DZP » Dim 19 Jan 2014 09:09

now a new version:
checkTutiouneDriverAndSoftwareV4_3.jpg (190.63 Kio) Vu 32731 fois

You can find it in the download section:

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

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