NPM software beta version for test

Messagede F6DZP » Ven 19 Avr 2013 15:18


Here you will find the package to use for Noise Power measurement.

Install NPM S2-1600 version only ==>not for S2-3200, see next message.

You must use Technotrend PCI card S2-3200 or S2-1600. same software for both cards.
Put all files in one folder.
You must install the Saa7146a driver if it is not done.
You can set your own presets by editing the HVtioune.ini file

(don't take care of dB/dBm measures that say for the moment anything but truth)

I am presently working on it and changing many things.
a New version will come very soon.

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Dernière édition par F6DZP le Dim 21 Avr 2013 05:01, édité 4 fois.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: NPM software beta version for test

Messagede F6DZP » Sam 20 Avr 2013 04:33


This last version is supposed to work with both S2-3200 and S2-1600 cards:

NPM V0.4beta.jpg
NPM V0.4beta.jpg (244.06 Kio) Vu 75742 fois

click here for download:

NPM V0.4beta is obsolete, see next message

You must use Technotrend PCI card S2-3200 or S2-1600. same software for both cards.

Put all files in one folder.

You must install the Saa7146a driver if it is not done.

You can set your own presets by editing the NTM.ini file

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Dernière édition par F6DZP le Mar 11 Juin 2013 13:37, édité 2 fois.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: NPM software beta version for test

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 23 Avr 2013 08:37

last version.
just add dBm in Green and Red display( accurate or not) for TT S2-1600. ( worked already with S2-3200)

NPM V0.5beta 23 avril 2013 is now obsolete - see next message
Jean Pierre F6DZP
Dernière édition par F6DZP le Mar 11 Juin 2013 13:38, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: NPM software beta version for test

Messagede F6DZP » Mer 24 Avr 2013 08:36

version 0.6 with Zoom up to x16.
and really 300 sec max display.
(fix precedent version that have time display to divide by 2 to know real time display).

NPM V0.6beta 24 avril
(740.64 Kio) Téléchargé 4553 fois

Obsolete --> get the new version : it can be downloaded here :

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Dernière édition par F6DZP le Dim 19 Jan 2014 09:24, édité 2 fois.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: NPM software beta version for test

Messagede G8GKQ » Mer 18 Déc 2013 13:07


I have just downloaded NPM V0.6beta 24 avril and get a virus report from Avast (Win32:Evo-gen). Has anybody else seen this?


Messages: 1
Inscription: 17 Déc 2013

Re: NPM software beta version for test

Messagede kb3pmr » Jeu 19 Déc 2013 10:48

I just found that too. Was having trouble with my computer...not related to Npm and did a scan. This showed up in the vault. I have since moved to another computer to use for Hamtv and will check that machine this weekend.


I ran the same test on the other computer Saturday with MS security essentials and it found no problems. I probably should have just went to explorer and scanned the computer for just that file but did not even think of that until now.
I guess the big question/s would be: Is it harmful, if so should it be removed, or is this file needed for NPM to work properly and how to get it out of quranteen?

Bob kb3pmr
Dernière édition par kb3pmr le Dim 22 Déc 2013 11:09, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 15
Inscription: 19 Aoû 2013
Localisation: Fredericksburg, Pa.

Re: NPM software beta version for test

Messagede G6ZVE » Jeu 19 Déc 2013 11:57

I just checked mine and i also have the same virus mentioned as you Dave, i also use avast

73's de Ian.
Messages: 2
Inscription: 26 Sep 2013

Re: NPM software beta version for test

Messagede yonyos » Mar 31 Déc 2013 20:10

Hi in my computer error 32 bit ...its possible install with 64 bits system?
Messages: 1
Inscription: 15 Déc 2013

Re: NPM software beta version for test

Messagede F6DZP » Jeu 2 Jan 2014 21:41

yes. you can use it with win7 64 bits.( I have not tested yet but will do it asap)
You must install the SAA7146A 64 bits driver, that is not evident with Win7-64
solution is describe here:

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: NPM software beta version for test

Messagede F6DZP » Dim 19 Jan 2014 09:20

a new version described here :
can be downloaded here :

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

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