Réflexions et recherches sur l'encodage en bas débit (SR < 500 kS/s) et très bas débit (SR < 150 kS/s)
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FreeSteamCoder V2.50 for DVB-S DVB-S2 DVB-T

Messagede F1EJP » Mar 13 Juil 2021 21:33

Bonjour à tous,

Suite à la demande de plusieurs d'entre-vous voici une nouvelle version 2.50 qui implémente le calcul de débit pour le DVB-T
> Elle inclue quelques petites corrections.
Merci à Freddy ON1EVO pour la formule du DVB-T
N'étant pas équipé pour le DVB-T en réception je vous laisse tester et nous faire un retour. ;)

Bon traffic

Dominique F1EJP


Following the request of several of you here is a new version 2.50 which implements the data rate calculation for DVB-T
> It includes some small fixes.
Thanks to Freddy ON1EVO for the DVB-T formula
Not being equipped for DVB-T reception, I let you test and give us a feedback. ;)

>> NEW FreeStreamCoder V2.90 viewtopic.php?f=78&t=943
Fichiers joints
(938.7 Kio) Téléchargé 2008 fois
(950.46 Kio) Téléchargé 1772 fois
Dernière édition par F1EJP le Mer 4 Jan 2023 21:35, édité 2 fois.
Messages: 112
Inscription: 13 Mar 2018

Re: FreeSteamCoder V2.50 for DVB-S DVB-S2 DVB-T

Messagede VK3IE » Mer 14 Juil 2021 03:27

Excellent...so far

Local receive Test DVB-T~ IPTS using Knucker looking great 500/1000/2000


Depending on what I Stream video the counter (IPTV output) can show 0 but will continue streaming
Not 100% sure what's going on some buffering problem or setting

To add to this anomaly
I often can see the following

The IPTV output will exceeds the target rate, it will settle, lock and continue
Or other times it may exceed to much and fail will show 0.


Could someone explain what determines or causes this.
Is it just a mater of fine tuning required in settings for mode and video/Audio
Or the quality/bitrate etc of the file being streamed

Thank You
Messages: 11
Inscription: 06 Avr 2020

Re: FreeSteamCoder V2.50 for DVB-S DVB-S2 DVB-T

Messagede benno » Mer 14 Juil 2021 10:36

Hi, What setup are you using for transmitting?

Best regards Benno
Messages: 7
Inscription: 10 Avr 2020

Re: FreeSteamCoder V2.50 for DVB-S DVB-S2 DVB-T

Messagede F1EJP » Mer 14 Juil 2021 17:25

Hello Robert VK3IE,

FreeStreamCoder use only FFMPEG to work, when it's faild there is sometime several raison.
it's depend of the power of your encoder (or cpu) and the capability of ffmpeg.
If you test directly whith a script you can see the break with error messages from ffmeg
FreeStreamCoder give you best parameters possible but i was not able to tests all hardware configuration.

> in this case you must decrease Image Size or fsp for small bitrate and you will see it will work better.

73 at all and thanks for your tests
Dominique F1EJP

FreeStreamCoder utilise uniquement FFMPEG pour fonctionner, lorsqu'il échoue, il y a parfois plusieurs raisons.
cela dépend de la puissance de votre encodeur (ou cpu) et de la capacité de ffmpeg.
Si vous testez directement avec un script, vous pouvez voir la rupture avec les messages d'erreur de ffmeg
FreeStreamCoder vous donne les meilleurs paramètres possibles, mais je n'ai pas pu tester toutes les configurations matérielles.

> dans ce cas, vous devez diminuer la taille de l'image ou fsp pour un petit débit et vous verrez que cela fonctionnera mieux.
Messages: 112
Inscription: 13 Mar 2018

Re: FreeSteamCoder V2.50 for DVB-S DVB-S2 DVB-T

Messagede VK3IE » Mer 14 Juil 2021 21:38

benno a écrit:Hi, What setup are you using for transmitting?

Best regards Benno

Using Portsdown system,
Intel NUC i7 win10 21h1, Iris pro Graphic (intel)580

Dominique F1EJP a écrit:> in this case you must decrease Image Size or fsp for small bitrate and you will see it will work better.

Thank you Dominique,
More testing (less is more) ;)

By reducing Vmix / OBS output to 1280x 720 and FreeSteamCoder V2.50 to 720p I was able to use it with ease with minimal fuss :D
Messages: 11
Inscription: 06 Avr 2020

Re: FreeSteamCoder V2.50 for DVB-S DVB-S2 DVB-T

Messagede VK3IE » Mer 21 Juil 2021 04:16

Good day
The file is been reported (possible false) by AVG saying it has FileRepMalware and sends it to quarantine ?
Previous version 2.4 did not show this problem

Malwarebytes and Windows Defender do not complain.

Messages: 11
Inscription: 06 Avr 2020

Re: FreeSteamCoder V2.50 for DVB-S DVB-S2 DVB-T

Messagede F1EJP » Mer 21 Juil 2021 08:49

Hello Robert,

I have this problem with another antivirus.
You must go to Quarantaine and tell your AGV it's a secure file.
There is not virus in F1EJP-FreeSteamCoder.

73, Dominique F1EJP
Messages: 112
Inscription: 13 Mar 2018

Re: FreeSteamCoder V2.50 for DVB-S DVB-S2 DVB-T

Messagede VK3IE » Mer 21 Juil 2021 09:23

Thanks, yes I thought as much a false positive

Cheers and thanks

Messages: 11
Inscription: 06 Avr 2020

Re: FreeSteamCoder V2.50 for DVB-S DVB-S2 DVB-T

Messagede ON1AVO » Ven 30 Juil 2021 16:55


Some enhancements for a next release?
- Configuration menu: Video/PCR and audio PID values editable instead of fixed values
- Audio AAC kb/s: disable or 0kbs, so no audio stream, for lower TS datarate

73 de ON1AVO
Messages: 5
Inscription: 24 Déc 2014
Localisation: JO21PA

Re: FreeSteamCoder V2.50 for DVB-S DVB-S2 DVB-T

Messagede G8YTZ » Mer 11 Aoû 2021 20:24


Many thanks for this fantastic piece of software, it is a major simplification of use and works so well. It just works and your manual is very clear and straightforward.

Messages: 10
Inscription: 09 Sep 2012
Localisation: London

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