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Re: Les oled ne fonctionne pas avec le logiciel

Messagede cashy666 » Dim 21 Juil 2019 19:35

Hi Jean-Pierre,
It was not in I2C mode.
I have now made the connection, but still no video.
the MT test software does not see it.

Is there anything else I can do?
sorry for the trouble


Messages: 9
Inscription: 28 Jan 2017

Re: Les oled ne fonctionne pas avec le logiciel

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 23 Juil 2019 15:56

Hi Dave,

It 's very difficult to answer without the hardware in my hands.

I suppose that it is a LCD from Digole and that now it is put in I2C mode , by adding a bridge of solder at the back of the LCD.

If TestMyMInitiouner cannot find it and make it work, verify that your I2C wires are well wired.
If you get no more answer from TestMyMiniTiouner, you can first try your LCD using an Arduino.if it is is easy for you, not a new world to discover ( you will find on the web example of software for Arduino)

But I suppose that you have perhaps mixed wires to the Minitiouner .

another issue could be the connection to the MiniTiouner. Are you using a MiniTiounerV2 from BATC or a MiniTioiunerProV2 from REF?

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Dernière édition par F6DZP le Jeu 25 Juil 2019 04:06, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Les oled ne fonctionne pas avec le logiciel

Messagede cashy666 » Mer 24 Juil 2019 22:19

Hi Jean-Pierre,
yes its a Digole LCD and the bridge has been made on the rear.
I'm trying to connect it to a MTpro2 from REF.
I understand the difficulties of not having it
in front of you.
I will check the connections again and see
thank you for your help.

Messages: 9
Inscription: 28 Jan 2017

Re: Les oled ne fonctionne pas avec le logiciel

Messagede M5TXJ » Jeu 25 Juil 2019 06:24

Hi Dave,

Having a Minitiouner Pro V2 with Digole displays (yes 2 of), I'll try to help if I can, so some questions, please forgive if they are pretty basic I don't think you're stupid, I just want a baseline.

1) Are you using 1 USB lead or 2?
2) Is "Test My Minitiouner" detecting the NIM?
3) Are you connecting to the Master USB (nearest the NIM)?
4) Is the display connected to the Master channel I2C socket (between the 2 inductors next to the NIM)?

73 Dave 'TXJ
Messages: 20
Inscription: 03 Juil 2017

Re: Les oled ne fonctionne pas avec le logiciel

Messagede cashy666 » Sam 27 Juil 2019 23:29

Hi Jean-Pierre and Dave,
I have finally got it working!!!!!!
After many hours of staring at it I
tried it on another PC and it worked...

Thanks for all your help

Messages: 9
Inscription: 28 Jan 2017

Re: Les oled ne fonctionne pas avec le logiciel

Messagede F6FCD » Sam 12 Oct 2019 07:57

Hi all,
I have a similar trouble, I'm not searching to have video on the display, but informations from MiniTunerPro2.
See my post : viewtopic.php?f=82&t=691
(sorry for Dave....it is in French)
As the model is a TFT....I'm looking everywhere, but do not find a solution. I also wrote to Digigole and waitting for an answer...
MinitunerPro2, NIM: FTS4334; Parabole 80cm, LNB générique.
PC= I7 / Win10-64bits.
Messages: 35
Inscription: 20 Sep 2019

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