Build your own USB tuner . Questions about hardware

Minitiouner poor reception = problem with a component

Messagede ct2ghb » Dim 3 Mar 2019 15:02


Last year i made a minitiouner v2.0, and i did not success to correct work.
With oscar 100 on air, i return to see whats wrong with project, but i can´t see nothing wrong...

In comercial satellite (just for test), i receive fine with comercial satellite receiver, and with minitiouner have image with many many freezes. Audio too..

All led are green, sr 27500, mer 9, signal -40.

All voltages in minitiouner are fine!

Can anyone help me?
Messages: 10
Inscription: 26 Sep 2017

Re: Minitiouner poor reception

Messagede F6DZP » Dim 3 Mar 2019 17:32


First thing to do : record the TS and try to read it using VLC.

A)If VLC can show the video and sound without difficulties, we know that the TS is well received and the problem is with the Windows video decoder and renderer.
In this case we will check which codec uses your Windows setup and will change it for a better result (I hope)

B) if VLC cannot show a good video there are 2 possibilities:
1) the TS is not well received => we will see what is the problem.
First thing to do : set more buffer space : change the number of buffers in the file minitioune.ini
save the file and start again Minitioune with this minitioune.ini file changed
2) your PC cannot do the job. At SR27500 you need to have a good USB interface and sometimes the USB controler share different hardware and cannot receive your big stream in real time.
try others USB ports.
What is the result when you do the test I2C via USB using the software "TestMyMiniTiouner" ???

If SR27500 is a 8PSK modulation, yes I can say that not all PC can receive the TS without some packet lost.
could you try to receive SR2000 QPSK?

I have developped the MiniTiouner schematic mainly for DATV and low symbol rate. WE don't use SR27500 for DATV.
But it cann receive also mostly all big broadcast stations
look at this result, I can receive SR22000 8PSK:
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Minitiouner poor reception

Messagede ct2ghb » Lun 4 Mar 2019 00:58

Hi Jean Pierre,

I tested with vlc. the same...
.ini buffer from 6 to 20, the same...

I think the constellation isn´t good!!

Here two print screen:

Tioune.jpg (443.95 Kio) Vu 25523 fois

Tioune2.jpg (294.05 Kio) Vu 25523 fois

Sérgio - CT2GHB
Messages: 10
Inscription: 26 Sep 2017

Re: Minitiouner poor reception

Messagede ct2ghb » Lun 4 Mar 2019 01:17

My computer is a dell optiplex 960, quad core, windows 7 64bit.

I tested with SR 250 and 333ks, and no image and no sound. But all leds are green.

Sérgio - CT2GHB
Messages: 10
Inscription: 26 Sep 2017

Re: Minitiouner poor reception

Messagede F6DZP » Lun 4 Mar 2019 13:37

I tested with vlc. the same...

I don't understand what you exactly mean : VLC cannot show the video without error?

Jeab-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Minitiouner poor reception

Messagede ct2ghb » Lun 4 Mar 2019 15:24

Yes, with vlc i can´t see image, only few frames... audio cutted.
Messages: 10
Inscription: 26 Sep 2017

Re: Minitiouner poor reception

Messagede ct2ghb » Lun 4 Mar 2019 15:35

A little video:
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Messages: 10
Inscription: 26 Sep 2017

Re: Minitiouner poor reception

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 5 Mar 2019 14:06

I cannot use this file. It seems corrupted.
Could yo u send another TS?


JKean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Minitiouner poor reception

Messagede ct2ghb » Mar 5 Mar 2019 14:38

Ts format.
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Messages: 10
Inscription: 26 Sep 2017

Re: Minitiouner poor reception

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 5 Mar 2019 17:10

OK I can read it, but it is not what I need.

Could you record the TS that you are receiving with Minitioune (about 30sec or 1mn) and send it here?

I will analyze it.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

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