Logiciels pour MiniTiounerPro utilisant les 2 tuners ou démodulateurs du NIM FTS434/4335
Software for MiniTiounerPro using the 2tuners or demodulators of NIM FTS4334/4335

Cannot receive anymore

Messagede ik8ozv » Ven 31 Juil 2020 09:57

it is a couple of days that i cannot receive anymore the DATV signal with my minitiouner.
This is what i get when i start the program:

Minitiouner.png (218.09 Kio) Vu 20856 fois

I have checked with the Digital Satfinder and i get the Beacon signal on it:

Signal on Satfinder (1).JPG
Signal on Satfinder (1).JPG (551.81 Kio) Vu 20850 fois

Signal on Satfinder (2).JPG
Signal on Satfinder (2).JPG (459.55 Kio) Vu 20850 fois

I have checked that on the LNB is present the 18V.
I have checked with the programs:

CheckMiniTiouneDriverAndFilters_V0_5a - I get:

Check Minitioune Driver and Filters.png
Check Minitioune Driver and Filters.png (137.9 Kio) Vu 20856 fois

TestMyMiniTiouner_V2_0a - i get:

Test My Minitiouner.png
Test My Minitiouner.png (67.28 Kio) Vu 20856 fois

How you can see all tests are OK all green LEDs.
I have also tried formatting the PC thinking there was some driver corrupted or any virus,
Please what could be the problem? How to solve?
Any help will be really appreciated
Thanks in advance.
73's de Enzo IK8OZV
MinitunerPro2, NIM: FTS4334; Parabole 100cm Offset, LNB Octagon Green.
PC= I9 / Win10-64bits.
Messages: 38
Inscription: 04 Aoû 2019

Re: Cannot receive anymore

Messagede on5vw » Ven 31 Juil 2020 19:48

Enzo check your LNB and/or the connections to your LNB.
You have no LNA gain. See text above "DEROTATOR"
Messages: 2
Inscription: 15 Fév 2020

Re: Cannot receive anymore

Messagede on5vw » Ven 31 Juil 2020 20:11

See also this info from G4EML:

Re: LNA gain
Post by g4eml » Thu Sep 12, 2019 11:35 pm

The Tuner has a Low noise amp fitted to improve sensitivity for terrestrial use. When connected to a LNB the signal level can be too high for the tuner and the LNA will automatically reduce its gain. JP added a sad face symbol to indicate the input signal was too high. In practice though it doesn’t seem to make much difference to the received signal quality.
The LNA gain normally settles at around 13dB. If it is significantly below this then you can try attenuating the input signal. Variable attenuators with DC pass through are available on EBay. Just search for Satellite attenuator.
Messages: 2
Inscription: 15 Fév 2020

Re: Cannot receive anymore

Messagede ik8ozv » Ven 31 Juil 2020 20:35

on5vw a écrit:Enzo check your LNB and/or the connections to your LNB.
You have no LNA gain. See text above "DEROTATOR"

Hello ????
Thanks for your reply.
How i said in the first message i have checked on the LNB side the the cable has the 18V so it means
the LNB is powered.I cannot think the the LNB Is broken because how i said in the message, if i connect
the Digital Satfinder to the LNB i get the beacon signal on the Digital Satfinder.
MinitunerPro2, NIM: FTS4334; Parabole 100cm Offset, LNB Octagon Green.
PC= I9 / Win10-64bits.
Messages: 38
Inscription: 04 Aoû 2019

Re: Cannot receive anymore

Messagede F6DZP » Sam 1 Aoû 2020 05:12


you are not on the frequency.
if we read the Freq --> value, we can see that the freq set is 10 710 470 kHz
it should be 10 491 500 kHz (freq asked)
so you are at about 220 MHz far from the frequency searched. So it is normal that you receive nothing

now I try to know why you have this result... the derotator cannot go so far from the freq asked.
it seems that your MiniTiouner clock is bad (quartz?)

1) could you try to set the Derotator Symbolrate detection mode to 'scan'
2)Could you try to use the original minitiouneConfig.ini ?
3) using Minitioune, could you do CTRL +A and capture the new pannel

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Cannot receive anymore

Messagede ik8ozv » Ven 21 Aoû 2020 20:32


you are not on the frequency.
if we read the Freq --> value, we can see that the freq set is 10 710 470 kHz
it should be 10 491 500 kHz (freq asked)
so you are at about 220 MHz far from the frequency searched. So it is normal that you receive nothing

now I try to know why you have this result... the derotator cannot go so far from the freq asked.
it seems that your MiniTiouner clock is bad (quartz?)

1) could you try to set the Derotator Symbolrate detection mode to 'scan'
2)Could you try to use the original minitiouneConfig.ini ?
3) using Minitioune, could you do CTRL +A and capture the new pannel
Jean-Pierre F6DZP[/quote]

Hello JP,
Thanks for your reply.
I do not know what has happened.
I can only say the this happened after i have fixed the board and all the LEDs in the box.
Here are the result of your requests:

1) Please how to set the Derotator Symbolrate detection mode to 'scan'? If i click on the Derotator Search tab,
i just see the Freq --> moving some kHz each time i click on it.
2) I have tried to download the program again and used the one just downloaded so with the original minitiouneConfig.ini file with the same results
3) doing CTRL +A while using Minitioune i get this:

New Panel.png
New Panel.png (222.23 Kio) Vu 20814 fois

Please what to do?

JP i have also noticed that when i switch on the minitiouner i have the RF Power to -100:

Just switch ON.png
Just switch ON.png (214.75 Kio) Vu 20804 fois

but if i just switch, in the program, the Fplug from "A" to "B" and then back to "A", so the RF Power jumps to -50:

Switching A to B and back to A.png
Switching A to B and back to A.png (215.64 Kio) Vu 20804 fois

Thanks for your helps
73's de Enzo IK8OZV

I edit the post as i have discovered the cause of the problem ( Thanks to Heiner DK0KP )
I have found the faulty it seems to be the Display but not quite sure if the problem is the display or the Minitiouner.
I have noticed that when the displayit is connected i get the problem when i disconnect it i get the signal back.
I have then tried to connect the display one pin at time making the test on each connected pin and have noticed that when i connect
the DATA PIN of the display to the SDA of the Minitiouner Pro2 Connector JP3, i get the problem if i disconnect just the DATA PIN of the
display to the SDA of the Minitiouner Pro2 Connector JP3, the problem does not come out anymore but the display does not show me any info
Please any help?
73's de Enzo IK8OZV
MinitunerPro2, NIM: FTS4334; Parabole 100cm Offset, LNB Octagon Green.
PC= I9 / Win10-64bits.
Messages: 38
Inscription: 04 Aoû 2019

Re: Cannot receive anymore

Messagede F6DZP » Sam 22 Aoû 2020 05:53

as you have a hardware problem, first thing to do is to use the TestMyMiniTiouner software. It is done for that.
you can test your LCD or OLED or Digole display
Only when all tests are done and give all good result, you can run MiniTioune.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Cannot receive anymore

Messagede ik8ozv » Sam 22 Aoû 2020 06:44

F6DZP a écrit:as you have a hardware problem, first thing to do is to use the TestMyMiniTiouner software. It is done for that.
you can test your LCD or OLED or Digole display
Only when all tests are done and give all good result, you can run MiniTioune.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP

Hello Jean-Pierre, Thanks for your reply.
As you can see on the initial post, i have made the screenshot of all the test done with the TestMyMiniTiouner software,
but, yes, you are right i forgot the Display test.
When i run the the TestMyMiniTiouner software i get this warning:

errore.png (6 Kio) Vu 20386 fois

I click on OK and the program Opens:

Minitiuoner.png (59.19 Kio) Vu 20386 fois

I then click on the IC2 Master Init ( NIM ) Tab and then on the Test NIM tab and this is the result:

Minitiuoner1.png (66.64 Kio) Vu 20386 fois

Finally i have clicked first on the Test Digole Master Tab and then on the Test Digole 2.6 Master tab and how
you can see from the picture they give both OK:

Digole.png (66.83 Kio) Vu 20386 fois

Thanks for your help
73's de Enzo IK8OZV
MinitunerPro2, NIM: FTS4334; Parabole 100cm Offset, LNB Octagon Green.
PC= I9 / Win10-64bits.
Messages: 38
Inscription: 04 Aoû 2019

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