Le logiciel de mesure et réception DVB-S / DVB-S2 pour votre MiniTiouner ou MiniTiounerPro

Re: Analyseur de spectre Oscar100 dans futur Minitioune

Messagede DL4OCH » Mer 22 Jan 2020 23:34

when Fathers-day, Christmas and Easter will fall on the same date.
We all are waiting since autumn last year for a new release. We've got some screenshots, that's it.
I was so silly, to purchase the new hardware with features, nobody can use.

It's the best ever build Minitiouner ever build... But nobody can use the features. Like iPhone... Best ever, keep waiting for the never upcoming update.

Best 73's,
Messages: 10
Inscription: 30 Mar 2019

Re: Analyseur de spectre Oscar100 dans futur Minitioune

Messagede F1YI » Jeu 23 Jan 2020 07:10

Avec des commentaires de ce type , ça ne donne pas envie de travailler gratuitement pour la communauté !!
73 jean
Messages: 51
Inscription: 27 Déc 2010

Re: Analyseur de spectre Oscar100 dans futur Minitioune

Messagede pe1mud » Jeu 23 Jan 2020 07:27


This is a hobby, and a hobby project, where Jean-Pierre has spent a huge amount of spare time, knowledge, and I am sure some money as well, to make our hobbies possible. He isn't asking money for it, it's not a commercial product.

I think asking about a release date every now and then (like I did) is appropriate, and I find your reply to the question rude and inappropriate.

Although I understand the frustration I think you should apologize to JP!

Messages: 9
Inscription: 19 Avr 2019
Localisation: Utrecht

Re: Analyseur de spectre Oscar100 dans futur Minitioune

Messagede F6DZP » Ven 24 Jan 2020 06:07

Hello friends,

Yes I understand your frustration, but I am not a company with several developers, and I must spend myself many hours to finish these new tools.
time to imagine the new features, time to implement them, time to write the code time to test on different hardware that exists, time, time, time...

I spend every day I can working on this project. ( but, sorry, life is sometimes difficult, with big health problem in my family)
No you don't buy an Iphone, I sell nothing, NO hardware and NO software. So, I don't hear some grumble...

I have now finished:
- the new version of "Minitioune" that correct some issues and with some extra features. can use any kind of MiniTiouner ( V1, V2, Pro, ...)
- the "Spectrum Analyzer (TSA)" that needs a MiniTiouner and that can send the detected station setup to a Minitioune software that runs with a second MiniTiouner. can use any kind of MiniTiouner ( V1, V2, Pro, ...)

I am finishing the new software MinitiounePro that will use only a MiniTiounerPro
this software allows to show a spectrum, detect different stations on QO100 and can decode a show a station at same time.
the MiniTiounePro software represent now near 100 000 lines of code.... between 1500 and 2000 pages when you want to print it....
During this development I discover frequently new possibilities, new features.. It take much time to imagine a software that has never been made before. I don't know any software that can do that, so it takes much time to imagine the best ergonomics. I have to adapt , change the interface etc..
So not only much time for writing and testing code but much time to image the best way to offer the new features. and I know that there will be again people that will complain that xxxx or that yyyy...

I hope I am at the end of this new great step, because I want also to TX . I have no time to play with Oscar-100 since 2 or 3 months and I'll be glad to play also a little.
I will publish MiniTiounePro using this new feature( embedded Scanner).

Next step will be to add the possibility to receive 2 stations at same time. This part of software is ready but only for DVB-S, not DVB-S2.

But we have 2 tuners/demodulators in a MiniTiounerPro, so we cannot do 3 threads at same time ( receive 2 stations and scan at same time)
we will have to choose:
A) receiving a stations and scanning a band at same time ( using the 2 tuners) = this is this version that will be published in 2 or 3 weeks.
B) receiving 2 different stations on 2 different frequencies at same time ( using the 2 tuners)

Mode A) only will be available in the next release.
After that I will play and test using Oscar-100
and after I will return to work to finish step B)

My situation today is to send MiniTiounePro next week to some beta testers and to publish after their observations and last modifications.

I will offer for download the 3 software at same time (Minitioune, TSA and MinitiounePro)
It will take time also to write the "readme" to give minimum of information for the use of them.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Analyseur de spectre Oscar100 dans futur Minitioune

Messagede F6DZP » Ven 24 Jan 2020 06:34

I forgot :
Every day I must also spend time to manage Vivadatv.
more than 3000 users now.
very often people that have lost their password ask me to solve this issue,
I receive many mails and it take time also to answer...

MiniTiounePro v0.4 as it is the 22nd of January
MinitiounePro V0.4a Expert mode receiving 2 stations detected.jpg
MinitiounePro V0.4a Expert mode receiving 2 stations detected.jpg (323.61 Kio) Vu 15627 fois

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Analyseur de spectre Oscar100 dans futur Minitioune

Messagede F1EJP » Ven 24 Jan 2020 22:40

Bravo pour tout Jean-Pierre, votre passion et vos compétences !
Vous nous entrainez encore plus dans ce hobby!
Nous pouvons attendre car nous avons déjà beaucoup à expérimenter !

A cause de mon travail (informatique) et la vie j'avais laissé le radio amateurisme et l'ATV que je pratiquais dans les années 70 à 90
Bien sûr avec émetteurs et convertisseur fait maison F3YX.(mais le pylône est toujours là)
De nombreuse années après je reviens à ce hobby grâce à des passionnés comme vous, le REF et le BAC !

Mon Minitiouner fonctionne parfaitement et maintenant j'espère plus de QSO sur Rouen !


Thanks for all Jean-Pierre, your passion and your skills!
You are training us even more in this hobby!
We can wait because we already have a lot to experiment!

Because of my work (IT) and life I had left amateur radio and ATV that I practiced in the 70s to 90s
Of course with homemade transmitters and converter F3YX. (But the pylon is still there)
Many years later I return to this hobby thanks to enthusiasts like you, REF and BAC!

My Minitiouner works perfectly and now I hope more QSO on Rouen!

Messages: 112
Inscription: 13 Mar 2018

Re: Analyseur de spectre Oscar100 dans futur Minitioune

Messagede Yorama » Lun 17 Fév 2020 11:35

Très bonne feature. Je vois que ça fait débat dans les commentaires alors je me permets de vous remercier pour votre travail ici :)
Messages: 2
Inscription: 25 Jan 2020

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