Build your own USB tuner . Questions about hardware

Minitiouner V2 not decoding, 4th TS LED remains red

Messagede EA4LE » Ven 14 Juin 2019 17:05

This is Toni, EA4LE.
I am experiencing a problem with MiniTioune and Minitiouner V2.
Every thing seems to be OK: the test with "Test My Minitiouner V20a" goes fine (NIM detected and identified, I2C performance 72%), the Drivers and Filters test also fine, all "LEDS" light green.
Problem: I cannot decode signals despite having everythin right. The 4th TS LED remains read and I have no video decoding.
It is not a computer related issue as an identical unit (from another fellow ham) works fine, same computer, same usb cable, same usb port, etc.
I am attaching a screen capture, so you can check something I maybe missing.
Just checking here for some inspiration and guidance after a huge number of attempts on my own.
Best 73 de Toni, EA4LE
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screen_qo100_beacon.png (202.78 Kio) Vu 12858 fois
Messages: 2
Inscription: 22 Avr 2019

Re: Minitiouner V2 not decoding, 4th TS LED remains red

Messagede F6DZP » Ven 14 Juin 2019 17:25

Answer is alraedy here

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Minitiouner V2 not decoding, 4th TS LED remains red

Messagede EA4LE » Ven 14 Juin 2019 18:03

Thanks soooooooo much Jean Pierre!
I realized that after posting :(
I just replaced the 74HC10 and now works fine!!!
again thanks very much and apologize for missing the answer in the previous post, what a shame!
best 73 de Toni, EA4LE
Messages: 2
Inscription: 22 Avr 2019

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