Build your own USB tuner . Questions about hardware

Re: Minitiouner poor reception

Messagede ct2ghb » Mar 5 Mar 2019 19:51

Fichiers joints
(8.76 Mio) Téléchargé 1233 fois
Messages: 10
Inscription: 26 Sep 2017

Re: Minitiouner poor reception

Messagede ct2ghb » Mar 5 Mar 2019 19:57

Another one,
Fichiers joints
(4.94 Mio) Téléchargé 1175 fois
Messages: 10
Inscription: 26 Sep 2017

Re: Minitiouner poor reception

Messagede F6DZP » Mer 6 Mar 2019 18:33


I have examined your files. We can see that sometimes packets corrupted are registered (no sync byte)

normaly all packet began always with the first byte=47h like this packet:

47 01 00 1C 4D 5C 97 77 06 BB EE 66 FD 09 46 31
E3 AB DA FE 88 95 BB E6 AF 48 E1 71 A3 3A 41 8F
67 28 8E A9 6F 55 4C 25 CE 6A 48 95 86 4F 56 E2
F9 CC 38 15 E6 20 FF 6D BF B6 99 0B 9E CC FC BE
73 16 40 DD 9E AE 3D 08 6D B7 9A 8F 3B 1C DE 47
73 33 23 2C 33 6E 53 60 4C 05 12 D9 06 44 5B 30
74 93 64 40 16 EF E2 90 76 04 E5 17 FB 72 40 D5
8D 94 A7 36 63 08 90 B1 16 58 90 AA D0 B1 00 4A
27 41 2D 0C 71 3F C0 26 05 9A BE 52 26 40 A7 64
20 7B 7D 42 73 32 02 C4 6E 76 57 9A D9 AB 7C E7
96 06 5C 6D 72 E0 BE C4 AD 83 9B 31 BD B0 A1 F9
86 51 1D 1A 20 02 29 D1 5C 22 61 A8

and sometimes you recieve packets with $47 as a second byte:

26 47 01 00 16 25 9D 8B 87 65 37 40 C7 1D EF 6B
1D 9C 0D 5C 74 82 28 5E 64 E0 C5 C6 9A A0 6B 92
F1 6D 29 D4 AE 9E 35 01 EA 75 BF 34 26 4E C3 6F
A7 57 58 A7 D5 75 6D 37 9E 34 4F F1 C9 74 7F 4C
28 60 45 2D 49 B6 43 32 D6 5B 11 CA 8A 9E F9 7A
05 0E 55 8A 3D 25 D9 6D DC 14 19 F0 E4 47 10 A9
AF 0E 47 2F 2C 41 16 1F BE 2F 6D 0D 21 14 03 15
75 14 CB BE C9 E0 DF AD ED C0 8D E2 09 65 B6 9D
02 59 F1 16 DA 6D 2C 25 9C 8E 53 6C B2 DE A9 A5
9F FD 98 12 B9 CE A5 97 9D E0 EA 5B 6A 03 AF 82
5E EC C7 FC 33 52 52 BC B4 57 1D 4A 8D C9 C4 3F
DA 0F 24 3E 4D 75 4F 85 FC 3B 35 71

so you have a hardware problem.
I have never seen that before.
I don't think that it is a bad solder on the TS bus, because with a bad solder on the TS bus, we have a bad bit on each packets.

1) First possibility (90%)I think that it can be a bad solder on the clock/valid bus, if we loose a valid signal l, we can have this kind of result.
I know that some people have had problem with bad 74HC10 and resolve their problem by changing it.
Test all lines around this chip, change it also if you have doubt.
If you have an oscilloscope try to look at the valid signal, but it can be difficult to detect a drop.

2)Second possibility(10%) is that the NIM has a default in the demodulator chip.
In this case you have to try another NIM.
If you have bought it to the BATC, tell them your problem and what I have observed and they will send you another NIM.

but I vote for the First possibility.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Minitiouner poor reception

Messagede ct2ghb » Jeu 7 Mar 2019 00:23


Thanks for the tip.
I will try to change 74hc10 next days. In my workshop, i don´t have that ic, i just bought 1 unit.

Then i´ll report.

Sérgio - CT2GHB
Messages: 10
Inscription: 26 Sep 2017

Re: Minitiouner poor reception

Messagede ct2ghb » Ven 8 Mar 2019 22:01


Jean Pierre,
Like you said, the trouble was in 74hc10!!
I bought from Spain, RS (25 units hi), and it´s working very very well !!

Many thanks one more time , for all help.

Best 73,

Sérgio - CT2GHB
Messages: 10
Inscription: 26 Sep 2017

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