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Cannot run MiniTiouner-Express

Messagede oh2aue » Mar 3 Mar 2020 14:12


I have spent quite a few hours now with my new MiniTiouner-Express. I believe
my drivers are OK and I also did have to change the device name, but things seem
to get worse the more I work with this :-(

My PC is a 64 bit laptop running Windows 7, SP1 and the MiniTiouner-Express
module is revision B with the Seric FTS-4334 NIM.

Some screenshots attached...

I wonder if anybody else has encountered something similar?

73, Michael, OH2AUE
Fichiers joints
Strange MiniTioune v. 0.8 error message
MiniTioune_V0_8_error_message.png (26.74 Kio) Vu 12583 fois
Changed Product Description Name in EEPROM
FTProg_screen.png (59.95 Kio) Vu 12583 fois
TestMyMiniTiouner screenshto
TestMyMiniTiouner_screen.png (87.51 Kio) Vu 12583 fois
Messages: 3
Inscription: 02 Mar 2020

Re: Cannot run MiniTiouner-Express

Messagede oh2aue » Mer 4 Mar 2020 05:03

OK, up and running now, received an updated XML template file
called "using NIM tuner version 0.8.xml". Courtesy of DAT- Express,
this file is at:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/jocqsftygj00o ... s.xml?dl=0

Some compatibility issue with v. 0.8s software. Thanks Art !!!

73 Michael OH2AUE
Messages: 3
Inscription: 02 Mar 2020

Re: Cannot run MiniTiouner-Express

Messagede oh2aue » Sam 7 Mar 2020 15:24

Working fine now, tested with my DVB-2 DATV rig and with both -S and -S2 on Astra FTA channels :-) /michael, oh2aue
Fichiers joints
tpg_625_oh2aue_04_03_2020.png (379.03 Kio) Vu 12477 fois
Messages: 3
Inscription: 02 Mar 2020

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