Double receiver DVB-S/S2 144Mhz-2450Mhz
build it yourself or buy a complete MiniTiounerPro already built for less than 100 euros

MiniTiounerPro V2

Messagede F6DZP » Jeu 25 Avr 2019 08:04


In 2 weeks we will have the MiniTiounerPro V2.

Many features can be found on this receiver:
- ready for receiving 2 stations at same time (useful for Duplex on Oscar-100) using next Software Dualtioune.
- 2 x RT5047 that produce 13v or 18v (400mA protected) for your LNA or LNB, one separate voltage for each different F-plug
- the MinitiounerPro has a design that allows the lowest I2C noise , Minitioune refresh rate can be 100ms (180 ms with a very slow processor like the Atom processor in my Pluto or Chuwi Tablet)
- 2 leds indicating TS1 and TS2
- 2 leds indicating LNB A/B voltage
- allows the use of LCD or Oled display
- TS1 and TS2 parallel output => we can use for developing IP interface or direct transmission to a modulator or ...
- 4 GPIO input/output
- 8 output ( with 8 leds) to drive relays, preamplifier ... depending the RF band you are using
The MiniTiounerPro V2 is ready for all future developments.

MiniTiounerPro V2 full synoptic_.jpg
MiniTiounerPro V2 full synoptic_.jpg (193.92 Kio) Vu 34576 fois

MiniTiounerProV2_NIM_.jpg (159.04 Kio) Vu 34574 fois

Boitier bleu avec MiniTiounerPro et LCD vue avant_.jpg
Boitier bleu avec MiniTiounerPro et LCD vue avant_.jpg (78.81 Kio) Vu 34574 fois

(Price is 99 euros)

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: MiniTiounerPro V2

Messagede 2E0LGZ » Ven 26 Avr 2019 21:06

Hi Jean Pierre do you have to be a member of REF to order the PRO 2
Gary 2E0LGZ
Messages: 6
Inscription: 20 Avr 2019

Re: MiniTiounerPro V2

Messagede F6DZP » Dim 28 Avr 2019 04:32

Hello Gary,

For the total amount including shipping to your country, ask the service:
For non members, you can send the amount directly using Paypal to the account of REF ( .
Make sure that Paypal message contains the subject of the payment and the return address for the MinitiounerPro V2

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: MiniTiounerPro V2

Messagede 2E0LGZ » Dim 28 Avr 2019 19:09

Ok thank you Jean-Pierre i have sent a mail on friday and today so i await the reply
many thanks for your reply
Gary 2E0LGZ
Messages: 6
Inscription: 20 Avr 2019

Re: MiniTiounerPro V2

Messagede M5TXJ » Lun 29 Avr 2019 09:46

Hi Gary,

Don't hold your breath, I emailed and also sent a message from the webpage on Wednesday and have had no reply as yet.

73 Dave.
Messages: 20
Inscription: 03 Juil 2017

Re: MiniTiounerPro V2

Messagede M5TXJ » Lun 29 Avr 2019 15:05

An update Gary,
Email to order received this afternoon, payment made but now have to wait until the end of May...
73 Dave.
Messages: 20
Inscription: 03 Juil 2017

Re: MiniTiounerPro V2

Messagede 2E0LGZ » Lun 29 Avr 2019 21:38

Hi Dave yep i got the same email today a couple of weeks wait isnt bad i suppose considering its not a trully commercial product like radios amps etc so at least we’re on the list

73 Gary
Messages: 6
Inscription: 20 Avr 2019

Re: MiniTiounerPro V2

Messagede DL4OCH » Lun 20 Mai 2019 18:37

Hi all,

my MiniTiouner Pro V2 arrived today and works fine with one exeption:

There is no 22kHz on Tuner B, only on A. 14/18V works fine. Is this still a software-issue, or had I bad luck with mine from REF.

Also I would like to know, when the dedicated software for this MiniTiouner will be available...

Wilm, DL4OCH
Messages: 10
Inscription: 30 Mar 2019

Re: MiniTiounerPro V2

Messagede F6DZP » Lun 20 Mai 2019 20:32


Yes I have not implemented yet the 22kHz for the B input. thank you to remind me , Sorry I forgot to do it. the V2 of MiniTiounerPro is very new and I had to time to finish the new options for it .
So yes it is a software issue (beta version), but not very complicated to fix.

When the MinitiouneV0.9 will be definitively finished (I hope I am very near the end) I will work on the software Dualtioune that allows to receive 2 stations. This software already exists but works only with DVB-S mode, not DVB-S2, so I will upgrade it with the final procedures used for Minitioune.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Dernière édition par F6DZP le Mar 21 Mai 2019 05:28, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: MiniTiounerPro V2

Messagede DL4OCH » Lun 20 Mai 2019 20:36

Thanks Jean-Pierre for your reply.

So I can lean back, no faulty device, and can wait for the software to come.

I'm curious about the features for the new one. If you need Alpha, oder Beta-testers, we would be proud to help out.

Best Wishes,
Wilm, DL4OCH
Messages: 10
Inscription: 30 Mar 2019

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