Display Adapter stops working

Messagede G8VPG » Mer 8 Avr 2015 13:43

I am running Tutioune for TT-S2-3200 on a Windows XP machine. It works perfectly when I receive off air signals generated by a DTX1 or DATV Express. However, I am experimenting with UglyDATV from a Raspberry Pi in ugly mode, trying to receive the seventh harmonic on 437.5MHz. I am finding that as soon as Tutioune starts to lock up on a signal, the computer crashes and I get a message "igxprd32 display adapter stopped working normally". I have been using the mire250.ts file. Any suggestions would be very welcome. Shaun G8VPG.
Ahh...That was running it at 1000ks/s. Just tried running at 250ks/s and Tutiuone works OK now, but doesn't decode a picture, but everything locks up OK with all green lights.
Messages: 17
Inscription: 07 Déc 2014
Localisation: Bristol

Re: Display Adapter stops working

Messagede F6DZP » Ven 10 Avr 2015 08:30

try to install the last driver for your graphic card.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Display Adapter stops working

Messagede G8VPG » Ven 10 Avr 2015 14:54

Jean Pierre,
Thanks for your reply. I have spent the day working on this with G8XZD and we have made progress. The Raspberry Pi is now sending MPEG2 video from the camera and Tutioune is receiving well. As soon as I select H264 and a signal begins to lock, it crashes. I think the problem is that I have no H264 Codec on this computer. Do you think this is the problem and can you advise how to load an H264 codec?
73 Shaun G8VPG.
Messages: 17
Inscription: 07 Déc 2014
Localisation: Bristol

Re: Display Adapter stops working

Messagede F6DZP » Ven 10 Avr 2015 16:22

If you work under Win7 you already have a H264 codec.
If you use WinXP you don't have H264 codec, but you have it if you have installed LAVvideo filter.

If your graphic card is old, it has not an hardware H264 decoder, so your CPU is very much more sollicited and can give some crash.
look at you CPU% of power, see the difference between MPEG2 and H264.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Display Adapter stops working

Messagede G8VPG » Sam 11 Avr 2015 10:46

Jean Pierre,
I am running XP service pack 3. The CPU is a 2 core Pentium running at 2.7GHz. Tutioune receiving MPEG2 is using about 15% of the CPU resources. If I send H264, Tutioune shows all green lights, but doesn't decode a picture in MPEG2 mode, but uses the same resources. If I click the H264 button, it crashes after a few seconds, before a picture appears.
I have installed LAV filters 0.63.0. When I look at add/remove programmes, it says it hasn't been used since I installed it.
I have run Tutioune check v4.3;
PCI card all green.
Direct show all green except QSL card jpeg.
Play from TS, sound and video OK.
Network all green.
DMA type 1 all green.
In the text box, under Direct Show filters and codecs, I have the following comments;
OK. Could add Universal Source filter.
OK. Could add MPEG2 demultiplexer filter.
OK. Could add LAV splitter source filter.
Under System, Device Manager, I have the following under video codecs;
The video card is an Intel G31 based on the motherboard.
The problem is that as soon as Tutioune starts to lock on an H264 signal, Tutioune freezes, then the computer crashes and I get the message that igxprd32 has stopped working properly. The screen is then in VGA safe mode. I can close Tutioune and have to restart the computer, when it says that it has recovered from a serious error.
I hope this information will give you a better idea of what is happening.
Shaun G8VPG.
Messages: 17
Inscription: 07 Déc 2014
Localisation: Bristol

Re: Display Adapter stops working

Messagede G8VPG » Mer 15 Avr 2015 11:13

Jean Pierre,
I have downloaded the latest Intel driver for my graphics card (G31) and installed it. I have checked in LAV filters and H264 is enabled. As soon as Tutioune starts to lock with H264 button enabled, the programme freezes and it says "Tutioune 3200v0_2b has encountered a problem and must close. igxprd32 has stopped working normally and the display reverts to basic VGA safe mode type display. I am able to restart the computer.
It will lock on an H264 signal in MPEG2 mode, but no picture is decoded. As soon as I press the H264 button, the error occurs.
73 Shaun G8VPG.
Messages: 17
Inscription: 07 Déc 2014
Localisation: Bristol

Re: Display Adapter stops working

Messagede G8VPG » Mer 15 Avr 2015 18:34

I have now read the note about using LAV filter v0.59. I have uninstalled v0.63 which I was using and installed v0.59, but still get the same problem.
Messages: 17
Inscription: 07 Déc 2014
Localisation: Bristol

Re: Display Adapter stops working

Messagede F6DZP » Jeu 16 Avr 2015 09:22

Hi Shaun,

I have no idea why you have this issue.
Tutioune just ask to windows to decode and render the video like it in the Checktest.
It don't manipulate any graphic card display function.
I am not at home, when I will be back I will prepare a new checkTutioune test using H264 video.
You can try it by renaming some H264 video .ts file with the name F6DZP_TEST.TS, so CheckTutiouneDriver&Filters will try to read your ts file encoded in H264 and you will see if it works.

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Display Adapter stops working

Messagede G8VPG » Jeu 16 Avr 2015 10:30

Merci Jean Pierre!
I will wait for you to prepare the new check programme. Thanks for your help.
Shaun G8VPG.
Messages: 17
Inscription: 07 Déc 2014
Localisation: Bristol

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