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Multi-program & VLC.dll renderer

Messagede joop » Jeu 4 Fév 2021 20:04


While experimenting with multi-program stream everything works fine when using the Graph renderer, when changing to VLC.dll renderer only Program 1 is displayed, when selecting Program 2 nothing happens and only Program 1 is shown. Is this a limitation ? It is the first time experimenting with multi-programs with FFMPEG so might be some fine tuning must be done on the FFMPEG part. Thanks for the advice.

Regards, PE2JKO

I am using the 1.0.1g version. Please see some screenshots :

multi1.PNG (157.92 Kio) Vu 11775 fois

multi2.PNG (219.62 Kio) Vu 11775 fois
Messages: 2
Inscription: 30 Juil 2014

Re: Multi-program & VLC.dll renderer

Messagede F6DZP » Jeu 4 Fév 2021 20:51


yes it is normal and well known on my side.
Since the first version Minitioune using Directshow (Graph) has been able to work with Multistream . I used it to receive broadcast station with sometimes 12 services in one TS.

I have just implemented VLC for amateur use only because some Amateur DATV stations send often bad TS (= bad timing PCR/PTS) and Directshow Graph mode doesn't like bad TS(=> cut in audio or choppy video), VLC accept better TS with bad timing.
As for the moment 99,99% of DATV stations send TS with only 1 service, I let VLC to play the first service.
The possibility to use VLC dll in Minitioune is new, so it is the first implementation, the first step.

But yes,It is already in my "to do" list : implement multi services in the VLC mode.

Today you have the Graph mode that can do it and if your TS is correct (= with good timing) you don't need urgently the VLC mode with multi services.

remark : you are not using the last version of Minitioune. The v1.0.1.0r is better, try it.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Multi-program & VLC.dll renderer

Messagede joop » Sam 6 Fév 2021 10:15

Hi, Jean-Pierre,

Thanks for the fast reply and the tip to download the latest version.

Regards, PE2JKO
Messages: 2
Inscription: 30 Juil 2014

Re: Multi-program & VLC.dll renderer

Messagede PY2RN » Ven 18 Juin 2021 12:34

F6DZP a écrit:Hello,

yes it is normal and well known on my side.
Since the first version Minitioune using Directshow (Graph) has been able to work with Multistream . I used it to receive broadcast station with sometimes 12 services in one TS.

I have just implemented VLC for amateur use only because some Amateur DATV stations send often bad TS (= bad timing PCR/PTS) and Directshow Graph mode doesn't like bad TS(=> cut in audio or choppy video), VLC accept better TS with bad timing.
As for the moment 99,99% of DATV stations send TS with only 1 service, I let VLC to play the first service.
The possibility to use VLC dll in Minitioune is new, so it is the first implementation, the first step.

But yes,It is already in my "to do" list : implement multi services in the VLC mode.

Today you have the Graph mode that can do it and if your TS is correct (= with good timing) you don't need urgently the VLC mode with multi services.

remark : you are not using the last version of Minitioune. The v1.0.1.0r is better, try it.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP

I am having problems between MiniTioune v1.0.1.0r and VLC. I run Windows 10 and installed VLC 32 and VLC 64 but seems Minitioune does not send anything to VLC via UDP.
I enabled VLC and Minitioune in Windows firewall through, also tried to downgrade VLC to earlier versions but nothing so far.

When try to enable VLCdll on the Renderer it comes up with the error message in the attached image

vlc_error.jpg (27.97 Kio) Vu 11076 fois

Thank you for any help to solve yhis

Ed - PY2RN
Messages: 4
Inscription: 01 Oct 2019

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