No video showing during trasmission

Messagede CASIMIRO » Jeu 15 Déc 2016 10:12

I have installed Tutione with a PCI card TT S2-3200 on a PC with windows 7 using a NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64.
I use a DIGILITE Transmitter with SR=4000 and FEC=3/4. All the lights on the screen (Carrier, Synchro, etc.) are green but no video is showing on the central portion of the screen. However if I record a .TS file I am able to reproduce it correctly using VLC.
I installed the codec from powerDVD as well ffdshow as explained in this post viewtopic.php?f=28&t=109. Video card nvidia drivers are correctly installed and working.
What could be the problem? Any suggestion?


Messages: 2
Inscription: 06 Oct 2016

Re: No video showing during trasmission

Messagede F6DZP » Ven 16 Déc 2016 06:14


Today, to be sure to get the best codecs, install LAVfilters.

First question : do you have done the tests using "CheckTutiouneDriverAndFiltersV4_3" ?
do you have all leds green? do you see the video? do you hear the sound.

If all is OK, look at the topic :

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: No video showing during trasmission

Messagede CASIMIRO » Lun 19 Déc 2016 11:14

Hello Jean-Pierre,
thank you for your answer. I checked with "CheckTutiouneDriverAndFiltersV4_3" and all lights are green. Video and audio both works.
I tried the suggestions in the post you mentioned but with no luck. I installed graph studio and tried to change decod Mpeg2.GRF adding LAV video decoder and Video render on pin 2 but Tutioune 3200 complains that it cannot render video.
I used any kind of "Video render" available. LAV filters are correctly installed on the system. DSFMgr show that they are set as "preferred". Am I missing some video renderer or something else? What should I check?
Thank you in advance for you help.

Messages: 2
Inscription: 06 Oct 2016

Re: No video showing during trasmission

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 27 Déc 2016 12:42


install Teambiewer
send me a private email, tell your ID and password and I will fix your issue directly on your computer.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

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