UT-100C and Tutioune

Postby YO3HCM » Fri 30 May 2014 15:13

Dear DATV enthusiasts,

I am Andrei (YO3HCM)
I like very much your work on DATV so I wanted to try it myself.

I have got the UT-100C modulator from Hides and TT-budget 1600.
I have installed Tutioune as indicated and it seems to be fine (all check LEDs are green).

I just can't receive an image from UT-100C into Tutioune, no matter what. In expert mode signal from PLL seems to detect if transmitter is on or off, but constellation doesn't appear.

it seems that UT-100C is a DVB-T modulator while Tutioune and TT 1600 are doing DVB-S demodulation.

I would like very much to have a setup to transmit DATV on 23CM without using any up or down converters (too expensive for me) and both hardware are able to work up to 1.3GHz.

Is there any way to use the UT-100C to send DVB-S signals to be decoded by Tutioune? if this is possible to be done on Raspberry PI it would be even better...??

I already read many times the Raspberry pi and DATV solution done by Evariste, great work, worked for me also - but it seems to be DVB-T. I used RTL USB dongle for terestrial DVB-T, to receive the signal on 810MHz.

Thank you very much,

Posts: 2
Joined: 29 May 2014

Re: UT-100C and Tutioune

Postby F6DZP » Sat 31 May 2014 04:55

TT S2-1600 can only demodulate DVB-S and DVB-S2.

If you want to use RasberryPi and a DVB-S modulator you can use a Digilite (kit from BATC). Both work well together and Tutioune with S2-1600 could receive and decode you DATV signal. Evariste use Digilite for DVB-S. Digilite can work on 435MHz, 1280 MHz , 2400 MHz you just have to chose your L.O.

UT-100C is a DVB-T modulator so cannot be used with Tutioune.

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Posts: 1129
Joined: 24 Dec 2010

Re: UT-100C and Tutioune

Postby YO3HCM » Sat 31 May 2014 16:05

Thank you Jean Pierre,

I will try to build an Digilite board.

Meanwhile I have found out that VLC playes can use the USB RTL dongles for DVB-T reception at 1.3GHz, unfortunately everything runs very slowly.

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Joined: 29 May 2014

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