Tutioune module available

Messagede on4bhm » Lun 24 Juin 2013 21:59


I'm just starting to use tutioune V0.9a
installed it on Win7 32 bit version. the 64 bit version of the the driver wouldn't start.
i'm the sysop of d-atv station ON0SNW (www.on0snw.tv)
We have many d-atv inputs and also links with other atv repeaters who are coming in on digital.
We carry 8 streams for the moment on 10ghz.

We can display text on screen the way we like it. it would be nice to use tutioune as a module to read-out the power RF and S/N MER
and display it to the user.

Question for the developer:
Is it possible to put the code to read RF and MER into module that would be callable from vb.net?

or maybe a webservice could be added to tutioune? so i can get the data out of the program and display it.
Would this be possible.
This would be a nice add-on to the repeater.

Messages: 12
Inscription: 14 Juin 2013

Re: Tutioune module available

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 2 Juil 2013 06:27


You are using a very old version of Tutioune.

If you use Tutioune version 2.0 you will have more features.

If you push Web button on Tutioune, Tutioune send data ( MER , constellations ...) to you TiouneMonitor that will be automatically created.
You can see in real time how someone receive a DATV station .
RF level, MER, constellations ... are send in in real time to the web site.


Jean Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

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