tests with chaining 3 Ground stations : the Video

Messagede F6DZP » Jeu 20 Mar 2014 10:19


This morning we have made a first test of chained Ground Stations.
==> 1 Ground Station in France and 2 Ground Stations in Italy.

As video received in only a black picture during blank transmission, we decided to show data and principally the TS led that show we are receiving TS packets when it is Green.
All the measuring data made by Tutioune where sent in real time to the ISS MUltiviewer : http://www.noelandsally.net/iss/

I have recorded the result with a video screen capture, you can now rewind as many time you want to see the video. Here it is:


Good observation.

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Dernière édition par F6DZP le Mar 25 Mar 2014 09:04, édité 2 fois.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: First test with chaining 3 Ground stations : the Video

Messagede F6DZP » Ven 21 Mar 2014 11:10

F6DZP_TiouneData_20_03_2014_8h24.jpg (167.53 Kio) Vu 152516 fois

IK1SLD_TiouneData_20_03_2014_8h24.jpg (166.23 Kio) Vu 152516 fois

KAYSER_TiouneData_20_03_2014_8h27jpg.jpg (174.44 Kio) Vu 152516 fois

The TiouneData :
Ground stations chained tiouneData.zip
(18.39 Kio) Téléchargé 3960 fois

3 ground stations 20-03-2014.jpg
3 ground stations 20-03-2014.jpg (109.81 Kio) Vu 152516 fois
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

ANother test with chaining 3 Ground stations : the Video

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 25 Mar 2014 08:57

Today a new test with 3 ground stations . SR is now 2000 kS/sec

You can watch the video of ISS multiviewer:

F6DZP_TiouneData_25_03_2014_5h54.jpg (163.03 Kio) Vu 152364 fois
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: tests with chaining 3 Ground stations : the Video

Messagede G4KLB » Ven 4 Avr 2014 02:15

Done an experiment of my own with 4 stations chaining.
This pass was too far north for the other stations, but you get the idea.

Have uploaded the video to the BATC film archive (Category : ARISS) (Stream : 4 stations chain test) http://www.batc.tv/channel.php?ch=1
Fichiers joints
Chain 4 Stations.png
Chain 4 Stations.png (759.54 Kio) Vu 152184 fois
Messages: 32
Inscription: 07 Juin 2011

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