liste des cartes testées en décembre 2010

Postby F6DZP » Sat 1 Jan 2011 06:57

tableau au 1er décembre 2010
tableau cartes PCI dec2010.jpg
tableau cartes PCI dec2010.jpg (215.62 KiB) Viewed 76178 times

Bien distinguer:

-les cartes compatibles DATV, c'est à dire sensibles et descendant jusqu'à 1MSymbol

-les cartes compatibles TUTIOUNE V0.5 (développé jusqu'à juin 2010)
qui n'utilisent pas VerifMatos et la suite Tutioune V0.5f mais seulement Tutioune V0.5

- les cartes avec STB0899 compatibles TUTIOUNE niveau2 = V0.5f avec constellations

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Posts: 1129
Joined: 24 Dec 2010

Re: liste des cartes testées en décembre 2010

Postby tunedatv » Tue 8 May 2012 19:48

Does anyone know of a source of suitable cards in the UK?

I have found the current Technisat SkyStar S2 HD (not HD2 version as per table) and Mystique Satix S2 cards but no STB0890 chip.

As the table is dated 2010 I guess that only old secondhand cards have this chip on-board.

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Re: liste des cartes testées en décembre 2010

Postby F6DZP » Thu 10 May 2012 16:56

The TT S2-3200 is one of the best to get with STB0899.

You can find the TT S2-3200 here ... iewer.html

there are also some on Amazon site for £67 ... B000K9GMWG

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Posts: 1129
Joined: 24 Dec 2010

Re: liste des cartes testées en décembre 2010

Postby tunedatv » Thu 10 May 2012 18:06

Thanks Jean for the help.

I did find a Skystar on Amazon but couldn't checkout the chip set but was quite cheap so took a chance. It will be useful in my desktop but didn't want to buy another card with knowing it was the right chipset this time.

I will order TT S2 -3200 from Amazon.
Looks a useful software tool.

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Re: liste des cartes testées en décembre 2010

Postby ON7KV » Sat 12 May 2012 13:05

F6DZP wrote:The TT S2-3200 is one of the best to get with STB0899.

You can find the TT S2-3200 here ... iewer.html

there are also some on Amazon site for £67 ... B000K9GMWG

Jean Pierre F6DZP

Hello Jean Pierre,

I've just bought a TT-budget S-3200 card and installed on a Window7 pc.
After installing the original drivers i see in the configuration under system hardware the driver is TT-budget S2-3200 (BDA)
With this driver the card is working to view satellite.
But if i start the CheckSTB0899.exe i get:
PCI cards detection
->No SAA7146A driver and/or card detected.
I suppose this is normal because the driver is not installed.
So i've install the driver with InstallSaa7146a.bat.
If i'm now looking into the hardware of my computer there is exclamation mark before the driver SAA7146A.
and when i run the CheckSTB0899.exe run i've still no cards:
PCI cards detection
->No SAA7146A driver and/or card detected.

Do you know what i'm doing wrong or is the card i bought not compatible?

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Re: liste des cartes testées en décembre 2010

Postby F6DZP » Wed 16 May 2012 15:24

are you using Win7 32 bits or Win7 64 bits?

I know that there are some problems for the driver to run with Win7 -64bits ( I have not tested, having no Win7-64 for the moment)
With Win7-32bits I sure that the driver runs very well.

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Posts: 1129
Joined: 24 Dec 2010

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