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Tutioune1600 v0.4 receives 600 MHz to 2600 MHz

Postby F6DZP » Sat 25 Jan 2014 09:28

Here is the last version.
Can receive from 600MHz to 2600 MHz, so no need for LNB or down converter for receiving 2.4GHz
( but at 2.4 GHz, TT s2-1600 is less sensible and we need a preamp as we lost LNB gain)

accept also any LNB frequency ( useful for S to L band Chinese LNB)
you can download it here:

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Posts: 1129
Joined: 24 Dec 2010

Re: Tutioune1600 v0.4 receives 600 MHz to 2600 MHz

Postby kb3pmr » Sat 25 Jan 2014 16:29

Now I am so confused. Is the "no lnb" just for testing mode? I am using a 2.4GHz helix and the High Seria converter, and the 1600. I am not really sure I want or can afford to convert to a preamp. at this stage in my build. I need some firm grounding here as to what is the best package at this point given my resources to get my simple station ready. I really am grateful for all the work you have done and would like your input on the best options for a stable, simple platform at this point.


Bob kb3pmr
Posts: 15
Joined: 19 Aug 2013
Location: Fredericksburg, Pa.

Re: Tutioune1600 v0.4 receives 600 MHz to 2600 MHz

Postby F6DZP » Sat 25 Jan 2014 20:03

Hello Bob,

You can use Tutioune1600 on Lband with S2-1600 and down converter. It is the "normal" way, if you convert just after your Helix you will lost less dB in coax and get the down converter gain. the only little "bad side" is just the phase noise that can add your down converter.
The solution to use Tutioune1600 without down converter is just for people who have not a down converter but only a preamp.
as the S2-1600 PCI card could do it, I have just added this possibility.
"No LNB" is also for people who want to test, compare ... I just can say that S2-1600 is less sensible at 2.4 GHz that in the middle of Lband.

Don't worry, your solution with a down converter is a good one, and I suppose will remain the best.

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Posts: 1129
Joined: 24 Dec 2010

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