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minitiouner v2 carrier lock

Messagede m0aqc » Mer 20 Nov 2019 10:33


I am using the minitiouner v2 with a green 2 channel octogon lnb with 100cm offset dish. my problem is that the carrier lock fluctuates between 40% and 50%, and then drops to zero, then back to 40% to 50%. This results in video stopping, can anyone give me an idea as to what is going on please and how to fix it. thanks
Messages: 5
Inscription: 09 Sep 2019

Re: minitiouner v2 carrier lock

Messagede F6DZP » Mer 20 Nov 2019 14:51


I can't answer. You give no information. What is the source? It can be simply a bad source...
First try must be made using a good source. Try to receive a Broadcast station as I show here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=-WlHawgb8IQ
or try to receive the QO-100 Beacon.

take a screen shot and show us here the picture.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: minitiouner v2 carrier lock

Messagede m0aqc » Mer 20 Nov 2019 20:28

Hi Jean

I am receiving the beacon from es'hailsat. here are 2 photos.
Fichiers joints
good (Medium).jpg
this photo shows lock
good (Medium).jpg (327.01 Kio) Vu 16094 fois
bad (Medium).jpg
this photo shows no lock
bad (Medium).jpg (311.24 Kio) Vu 16094 fois
Messages: 5
Inscription: 09 Sep 2019

Re: minitiouner v2 carrier lock

Messagede F6DZP » Mer 20 Nov 2019 21:18


If I look at photo1, nothing is very strange, your carrier lock is 60%

When I was using some basic LNB (I don't remember the exact model), I had this result:

MinitiouneV0.9 Beacon ReportD5.jpg
MinitiouneV0.9 Beacon ReportD5.jpg (409.81 Kio) Vu 16092 fois

Using a professional LNB I have now :

Minitioune receiving Beacon LNB pro.jpg
Minitioune receiving Beacon LNB pro.jpg (307.39 Kio) Vu 16092 fois

On this station, carrier lock is always 85% max, even If I use a good LNB and a good NIM.
There is a little default in the modulation I suppose, as I can receive other stations with 100% lock.

On the second photo the carrier lock is lower and so, your MER is too low to be able to receive.
MER low = noise or phase noise on the frequency.

I suppose that your LNB has some problem ( jitter? phase noise ?..) or you have interferences with this frequency or ???
( on month ago, in another city, I had some strange result with interferencies that were coming every 2 mn and it was impossible to receive during 1 mn, I discovered this issue using a spectrum analyzer)

You need to observe the spectrum at the output of your LNB.

Could you try to receive the Broadcast station from the same satellite, nothing to change in your equipment?
you have just to set:
SR27500 freq 11996 MHz DVB-S (NOT DVB-S2)

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: minitiouner v2 carrier lock

Messagede m0aqc » Jeu 21 Nov 2019 08:12

Hi Jean

Thankyou for your reply.

I noted your comment concerning monitoring the output frequency of the LNB and immediately I realised the problem.

I run a DMR repeater from my QTH TX 431MHZ, monitoring the TX causes the carrier lock to immediately drop out!!!.

Often the simplest answer eludes us, I didn't consider my repeater being the cause of my problem.

Thanks for your assistance.

Messages: 5
Inscription: 09 Sep 2019

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