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Newbie question

Messagede m0nde » Jeu 6 Avr 2023 18:44

[attachment=0]Fransat Info.png[/attachment. I have built my Minitioune and it has passed the tests included with the software. I am new to ATV
I have ambition to receive the repeater at Mow Cop and QO-100. Today i am away in my camper and have my Fransat receiver tuned in. Channel zero is unencrypted (Fransat Info). I have been advised to test satallite reception initially wih a strong signal. I am concerned the radio button on the control software appear to be grayed out so i cannot select Vetical polarisation, I have connected the jumper for one of the LNB voltage on the board. I am adding a screen shot of my control panel. Seeking advice to as a start receive FTA satellite sigs.

Nigel M0NDE
Fichiers joints
Fransat Info.png
Fransat Info.png (215.18 Kio) Vu 3417 fois
Messages: 3
Inscription: 25 Mar 2023
Localisation: Stoke on Trent UK

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