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Minitiooune V1.0.1.0 can do SR25 and has a TS analyzer

MessagePosté: Sam 26 Déc 2020 04:24
de F6DZP

Minitioune version is coming soon.

It incorporates the ability to decode and display the video using the functions of VLC which are now integrated.
** This more easily solves the problem of receiving broadcasts that are not up to DVB standards and cause stuttering in the video or clicks in the sound in Graph mode.
** This more easily solves the problem that one can have if one uses a second monitor.

In addition to the statistics on the received TS stream, it can go down to SR25!

Yesterday evening a first transmission / reception on QO100 of a video (+ sound) in 800x450 (16: 9) format in SR25 was carried out.

this video therefore only took 34 kHz of bandwidth! Unbelievable!

RX_SR25_16APSK_annot.jpg (493.53 Kio) Vu 11896 fois

RX_SR25_16APSK_standard.jpg (366.33 Kio) Vu 11896 fois

The transmission was carried out on QO100 by Yves F4HSL virtuoso TS encoding at very low bit rate, with the latest December 2020 version of the firmware for Pluto developed by Evariste F5OEO which has optimized the filtering for very low bit rate transmissions and added additional parameters to correct errors of non-linearity of our amplifiers, which makes it possible to place the constellations much better.

This version is in finalization and should be available for everyone towards the end of 2020 or the first week of January 2021.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP

Re: Minitiooune V1.0.1.0 can do SR25 and has a TS analyzer

MessagePosté: Dim 27 Déc 2020 10:13
de F6DZP
Video recorded can be found on Youtube :

Jean-Pierre F6DZP

Re: Minitiooune V1.0.1.0 can do SR25 and has a TS analyzer

MessagePosté: Dim 27 Déc 2020 10:26
de i2NDT

Re: Minitiooune V1.0.1.0 can do SR25 and has a TS analyzer

MessagePosté: Dim 27 Déc 2020 23:08
de G8YTZ
Very impressive!

Re: Minitiooune V1.0.1.0 can do SR25 and has a TS analyzer

MessagePosté: Mar 29 Déc 2020 09:49
de F6DZP
new test today

RX_SV8RV_SR25_16APSK_standard.jpg (501.6 Kio) Vu 11714 fois

Jean-Pierre F6DZP