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MiniTiouner-S - LNB Voltage

Messagede dk5ai » Sam 26 Sep 2020 16:19

This week I got the "MiniTiouner-S" from the REF-Shop (thanks REF for delivery within 5 days!).

Using Software "MiniTioune V0_9_9_1h" (what is the latest as far as I know) I can't swith LNB Voltage and measured 0V on both Tuner A/B. Switch is greyed out.
Using Software "Test My MiniTiouner V 2_3" the I2C performance is around 90% and Voltage switch for LNB A/B also greyed out. I guess there is a Version 2.5 but can't find.
Using Software "Scan & Tioune V0.1p" I can switch between 0V/15V/18V, but just on Tuner A.

Testing with "Check Minitioune Driver and Filters V0.4a" all lights green.

Anyone have an idea what could be wrong? Do I usse the correct software versions?
Thanks for helping!
Messages: 4
Inscription: 20 Sep 2020

Re: MiniTiouner-S - LNB Voltage

Messagede F6DZP » Dim 27 Sep 2020 11:19


you don't use the good version of all software.

There are new versions that are adapted to the MiniTiouner-S:

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: MiniTiouner-S - LNB Voltage

Messagede dk5ai » Dim 27 Sep 2020 15:21

Merci Jean-Pierre, found that new Version in the meantime, but no change.
"Hardware detected..." jumps to "MiniTiouner V2 (...)"
Here is what I got, quite different to the screenshot in the Manual.
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Messages: 4
Inscription: 20 Sep 2020

Re: MiniTiouner-S - LNB Voltage

Messagede F6DZP » Lun 28 Sep 2020 11:50


Yes there is an issue with your equipment.

The test should show:
MiniTiouner-S well detected.jpg
MiniTiouner-S well detected.jpg (378.13 Kio) Vu 21122 fois

but your test cannot work the LNB voltage switch, so you obtain:
MiniTiouner-S NOT well detected.jpg
MiniTiouner-S NOT well detected.jpg (276.2 Kio) Vu 21122 fois

so there are 2 possibilities:
- your MiniTiouner-S has an issue with the LNB voltage switch command.
- your computer or USb line(noise, busy ?) or ??? cannot execute the I2C order to switch the LNB voltage.

Could you test your MiniTiouner-S on another computer?

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: MiniTiouner-S - LNB Voltage

Messagede dk5ai » Mar 29 Sep 2020 14:26

Jean-Pierre, many thanks for your kind help. Yes Software did not find the correct "MiniTiouner-S".

Today I tried with TWO other PC's and two other USB-cables, but with same result!
When I tried "Scan & Tioune V0.1q" I have LNB 0/13V/18V" on Fplug A (but not on B). A little success ...

For now I do not have any further ideas..
Wolf DK5AI
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Messages: 4
Inscription: 20 Sep 2020

Re: MiniTiouner-S - LNB Voltage

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 29 Sep 2020 15:38

As your MiniTiouner-S is detected as a MiniTiouner V2
I think that you can have 12v on Fplug A only if you have the option in the minitiouneConfig.ini

; si vous avez ajouté un module avec le chip de gestion LNB RT5047 / if you have added a RT5047 module for LNB 13v 18v
; V2LNBmodule yes or no
V2LNBmodule= yes

Check that you have changed the 'no' (by default) by 'yes'

last idea:
Perhaps you have not installed the LNB led. You need them if you want to detect the MiniTiouner-S

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: MiniTiouner-S - LNB Voltage

Messagede dk5ai » Mar 29 Sep 2020 16:14

Yes that worked .. !!

Have changed the config to "V2LNBmodule=yes" and now have 0/13/18V on Fplug A.
Not on Fplug B but that is no problem as I only need one Tuner.
By the way all Led's are installed and polarity controlled as well.
Also checked all soldering with a magnifying glass (Loupe) but not seen anything.

I have no Idea where the problem comes from as the REF-Board is "QC Passed".
Anyhow many thanks for your great help Jean-Pierre, merci beaucoup!!!

Wolf DK5AI
Messages: 4
Inscription: 20 Sep 2020

Re: MiniTiouner-S - LNB Voltage

Messagede LoneRanger4711 » Mar 9 Fév 2021 14:14

Hey Wolf, have had the same problem like you with my Minitiouner-S. Lucien (F1TE) gave me the correct "using NIM tuner" .xml file and after reprogramming with FT-Prog my Minitiouner-S was correctly recognized as Minitiouner-S in all Programms from Minitiouner V09_9_1j and newer. Big thank you to Lucien... he made it happen :-)

Messages: 3
Inscription: 11 Jan 2021

Re: MiniTiouner-S - LNB Voltage

Messagede DreuxPomerleau » Mar 29 Juin 2021 15:07

Bonjour, merci à vos réponses par ce que moi aussi j'ai vécu le même souci et j'ai galéré tout le temps que je n'ai pas trouvé la solution. :D

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Messages: 7
Inscription: 18 Juin 2021

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