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Is it possible to set AGC (Fixed, slow, fast for example)

Messagede pa1sdb » Lun 1 Avr 2024 13:37

Hello, We did some mobile DATV experiments in the 70 cm band. Due signal variation in the signal, the decoder fails while moving.
As soon as the mobile station stops moving, decode is easy.

It looks like the AGC of the Minitiouner Express is to slow and can't recover quick enough to keep the decoding going.

I think a quick AGC or fixed AGC can solve the problem.

Same problem here with windmills. Those huge wings produce reflections. Signal varies in the rotation rithm of the wings.
Also here will a fixed AGC probably solve the problem...

73's Peter PA1SDB

[edit] I forgot to ask the question..... Is there a software parameter in the minitioune config or perhaps hardware modification to
adjust the AGC speed of the Minitiouner express hardware ?
Messages: 1
Inscription: 12 Oct 2019

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