in 0303 the pluto is used differently for datv and NB.. in 0201 is this not a setting and should it work normally and direct.
73es Benno, PA3FBX
F6CNB wrote:Hi Dominique,
I have tested V2.08 this week end in order to replace the previous version at F4KLO.
Congratulations for this easy to use and wonderful software.
I found a small problem:
My configuration is a pluto sdr with the latest official firmware connected to the PC by USB
I am using OBS + DATV EASY V2.08 in DATV and SDR console 3.2 in narrow band.
When I want to switch from DATV to NB:
I clicked Stop and then Exit on DATV. Then I launched sdr console on the same pluto.
I am able to receive on the pluto but i am UNABLE to transmit.
There no error message in sdr console but not power out of the pluto sdr.
A software reset of the pluto is fixing the problem ( command pluto_reboot reset via ssh on the pluto (user root pwd analog))
73 from Remi F6CNB/N5CNB