Help on error Program

i am having problems to run the MiniTioune_V0_9beta8_9. program.
When i run the exe file, i get an error that says:
Device already used, No Handle for the device, we quit
I click on the OK error and it closes but i still see the icon in the taskbar.To close it i have
to force it with the CTRL+ALT+DEL select the program and close it forcing.
What has happened?
I have also tried to run the CheckMiniTiouneDriverAndFilters_V0_5a program from the Minitioune v0.8 package,
but when i click on the USB TURNER tab i get the following error:
FT2232H has bad device B parameters. use FTprog to reprogram it.
Please anybody can help me to solve these two errors?
i am having problems to run the MiniTioune_V0_9beta8_9. program.
When i run the exe file, i get an error that says:
Device already used, No Handle for the device, we quit
I click on the OK error and it closes but i still see the icon in the taskbar.To close it i have
to force it with the CTRL+ALT+DEL select the program and close it forcing.
What has happened?
I have also tried to run the CheckMiniTiouneDriverAndFilters_V0_5a program from the Minitioune v0.8 package,
but when i click on the USB TURNER tab i get the following error:
FT2232H has bad device B parameters. use FTprog to reprogram it.
Please anybody can help me to solve these two errors?