Le logiciel de mesure et réception DVB-S / DVB-S2 pour votre MiniTiouner ou MiniTiounerPro

Re: Probleme de mise en route minitiouner V2

Messagede F1DXT » Mer 17 Fév 2021 18:10

Bonsoir Jean-Pierre
Merci pour votre mail.
Actuellement cela fonctionne dans la configuration (yes).
J'ai refait plusieurs reprogrammations et a chaque fois avec FTprog, mon minitiouner est reconnu comme V2.
J'ai suivi vos recommandations (effacer les anciens pilotes et refait l'installation comme décrite sur le .txt)
Quand je fais les deux test tout est bon, sauf que c'est minitiouner V2 qui est coche.
Dans cette config je n'ai pas de tension en sortie de NIM, et quand je modifie le fichier.init j'ai de la tension sur A et pas sur B.
Voila ou j'en suis, sachant que j'ai la balise a D4/D5.
Merci encore de votre aide et 73 de FIDXT Jean-Pierre
Messages: 1
Inscription: 17 Fév 2021

Re: Probleme de mise en route minitiouner V2

Messagede F6DZP » Jeu 18 Fév 2021 17:54

seule solution. on prends rendez-vous pour une session teamviewer et en 5mn le pb est réglé
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Probleme de mise en route minitiouner V2

Messagede LoneRanger4711 » Mar 23 Fév 2021 12:40

Hello Jean-Pierre, i`m DK9WT - Norbert and had the same issue when buying a Minitiouner-S. You`ll never get the right result when you don`t have the right file for programming. Write an email to F1TE, Lucien, and he will send you the right file for programming with FTProg. The files you get from viewtopic.php?f=80&t=379 "using NIM tuner.zip" when you follow the "readme.pdf" has the wrong template. My Minitiouner-S was first also registered as an Minitiouner V2 and after programming with the file from Lucien it was registered as Minitiouner-S as it should be. From that point on i was able to switch the voltage from Minitioune Software and i was able to receive from the qo-100 WB without any problems.
Messages: 3
Inscription: 11 Jan 2021

Re: Probleme de mise en route minitiouner V2

Messagede F6DZP » Mer 24 Fév 2021 06:02


Yes, I says the same thing like you.

Normally the MiniTiouner-S should be programmed with the good values.
But I don't know if it is an error when it is bought or if people erase the data in FT2232H by changing them by the MiniTiouner V2 data.

Normally we don't have to use FTprog when we receive a MiniTiouner-S.

But if your MiniTiouner-S is recognized as a MiniTiouner V2, that means that it is not well programmed, You have to use FTprog to reprogram it with the good template.

The good template for a MiniTiouner-S is this:
template for MiniTiouner-S
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Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Probleme de mise en route minitiouner V2

Messagede LoneRanger4711 » Mer 24 Fév 2021 07:13

But I don't know if it is an error when it is bought or if people erase the data in FT2232H by changing them by the MiniTiouner V2 data.

The problem could be that the people buying a Minitiouner-S are reading the Manual which comes with the Minitiouner Software which is downloaded from this forum. In this Manual is the whole procedure of the setup from scrath described, including the hint for programming the Minitiouner-S with the template with FTProg, pointing to the wrong template at this website "http://www.vivadatv.org/viewtopic.php?f=80&t=379". Even if the Minitiouner-S is programmed correctly from the builder, at this point it gets the wrong template and is only recognised as Minitiouner V2. In my opinion the builders of the Minitiouner-S have done a great job, yes, a really great job! But reading the Manual leads into reprogramming the Minitiouner-S with the wrong template and from that point on everything goes wrong.

73 de DK9WT
Messages: 3
Inscription: 11 Jan 2021

Re: Probleme de mise en route minitiouner V2

Messagede F6DZP » Jeu 25 Fév 2021 06:23

Hello Norbert,
reading the Manual leads into reprogramming the Minitiouner-S

Nowhere in the manual I say that we must program the FT2232h of a MiniTiouner-S
In the manual p15 there are instructions to program the FT2232H of a mini-moduleFT2232H from FTDI, that is used for MiniTiouner V1 or MiniTiouner V2.
In a MiniTiouner-Pro or MiniTiouner-S or MiniTiouner-Express, there is no mini-module, so nothing to program.

I suppose that there is a confusion with this term. So I have added an advertisement in the forum pages that explain how to program the Mini-Module

and in case people want to program/re-program the FT2232H chip of a MiniTiouner-S or MiniTiouner-Pro or MiniTiouner-Express, there are also the templates for each of models.

All the different templates have been designed by me, essentially to know exactly the model of MiniTiouner Minitioune is using and what king of hardware is present onboard of the MiniTiouner model.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

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