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Re: Minitioune V2 problem

PostPosted: Fri 19 Jan 2018 14:51
by EA3UM
Hello Jean Pierre
OK with the operation and explanations about the ISS mode. Perfectly understood

I am struggling to desolder the NIM from the board, it is not easy, now I am partially desoldering. I am dedicating my free time (I have little) and I do it because I am also interested in knowing what has happened. I'll let you know when I have it ready to send it to you.
I will be pending for when you have the new version 0.8.
Thank you very much Jean Pierre

Re: Minitiouner V2 problem

PostPosted: Sat 14 Sep 2019 17:44
by PA1RK
Hello eveyeone,

I’ve had the same problem message "No video or bad codec / Pid". Tried all software solutions. Good C/N MER of 9dB but no picture or readable TS file.
Measuring the TS2D0..D7 gives data on scope gives 0-3 V to all pins but also data at 1V level on D4 and D5. Measuring between the pins gives 100 Ohm between D4 and D5 pins 30 and 31 on the Serit tuner module.
Problem was a bad soldering connecting two 47Ohm resistors in the module shorting D4 and D5 together.
Working fine now!

Best regards,

Robert PA1RK

Re: Minitiouner V2 problem

PostPosted: Tue 19 May 2020 16:33
by LayDeluca my case I was receiving with the Tutioune 3200 and at the same time with a SAT receiver. What i observed is the received signal synchronized very quickly with the Mvision and with the Tutioune 3200. But it took 10 seconds or more in sync up with all the reception parameters OK. Even in cases where there were signal interruptions due to tracking errors, the Mvision synchronized and the Tutioune 3200 because it needed more time.

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