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MiniTiouner Pro Help Please

Postby mm0saj » Wed 1 Dec 2021 10:18

Can someone help me I am new to all of this and have installed the software and get all green lights and on test minitouner it is 98% when I run the software no picture no decode and the TS section are always RED Lights never Green no Bitrate. I have a 75 ohm cable going from my tiouner to the satellite dish do i need something like a pre amp on RX antenna for DATV. I have an Adalm pluto and it works fine on QO-100. I am only using a standard 80cm Dish but not been able to see one transmission. Thanks for your time any help would be appreciated.



DLL version: 3.2.16
we have found 2 device(s)
device 0:
device serial N° DA5O38MPA
device named: MiniTiouner_Pro_TS2 A
For NIM I2C, we will use this device
FT2232H NIM_I2C is open
OK, we will use it with Handle: 9085400
device 1:
device serial N° DA5O38MPB
device named: MiniTiouner_Pro_TS2 B
For TS2 transfer, we will use this device
FT2232H FIFO open for TS2
OK, we will use it with Handle: 9083056
FT2232H FIFO closed for TS2
USB driver version: 2.12.36
>>>>>>>>>> NO MiniTiouner-Pro connected to USB AUX! <<<<<<<<<<<
****************** NIM I2C controler INIT *******************
NIM_I2C controler INIT OK
OK MPSSE is empty
Init MPSSE NIM I2C done!
MiniTiounerPro/Pro2 detected
TS1 led is OFF
TS2 led is OFF
MiniTiounerPro2 detected
LNB A detected at 0v
LNB B detected at 0v
MiniTiounerPro2 detected
LNB A detected at 0v
LNB B detected at 0v
NIM Test
I2C repeater OFF
Reset Demod
Trying to get the Demodulator serial number
Demodulator Address = $D2
we get the value = 81
Demodulator is a STV0910A
NIM is a SERIT_FTS4335/FTS4334L
MiniTiouner-Pro with NIM Serit FTS-4334 detected
Repeater mode OFF
writing a value at address X seems OK
trying to read 1000 times register X
time to do it : 531msec
we have : 0 reading errors from 1000
test: 512 writing/reading the Demodulator
we have : 0 writing errors and 0 reading errors from 512
STV0910 Demodulator setup
Writing demodulator default values ==> OK
time to do it: 500msec
STV0910 Init done
------ LNA booster detection ------
LNA found by reading the value : 33
2nd LNA found by reading the value: 33
writing $5A at address X seems OK
we try to do 1000 readings of register X after demodulator init
time to do it : 594msec
we have : 0 reading errors from 1000
test: 512 writing/reading the Demodulator after initialization
we have : 0 writing errors and 0 reading errors from 512

Init Serit FTS-4335/34 ZeroTuner
ZeroTuner initialization ==> OK
Reading values in STV6120 registers
Reading STV6120 is OK
Demodulator Address = $D2
MiniTiounerPro/Pro2 detected
TS1 led is ON
TS2 led is ON
MiniTiounerPro2 detected
LNB A detected at 0v
LNB B detected at 0v
MiniTiounerPro2 detected
LNB A detected at 0v
LNB B detected at 0v
MiniTiounerPro/Pro2 detected
TS1 led is ON
TS2 led is ON
TS1 led is ON
TS2 led is ON
LNB A voltage set at 18v
LNB B voltage set at 18v
Posts: 4
Joined: 01 Oct 2021

Re: MiniTiouner Pro Help Please

Postby mm0saj » Fri 3 Dec 2021 22:34

Admin please delete thread sorted ploblem dish to small got a new 1m dish and works great.



Posts: 4
Joined: 01 Oct 2021

Re: MiniTiouner Pro Help Please

Postby mm0saj » Sat 4 Dec 2021 02:03

Sorry please dont delete thread. Now that the satellite is lined up and am receiving the video using a bullseye lnb directly from the minitouner using a single rg6 cable for RX only. How do I now join the adalm pluto to transmit off same satellite as rx coax isnt conected to lnb at present I have the putty cone type for tx but the RX antenna isnt used and no signals on sdr console unless coupled to the receive lnb

Sorry guys I am new to this and i really need some replys every solved problem leads to another problem.



Posts: 4
Joined: 01 Oct 2021

Re: MiniTiouner Pro Help Please

Postby mm0saj » Sat 4 Dec 2021 02:18

Sorry I also know that i can perhaps work system with pluto on its own but i really like using the minitouner software for receive thats why i bought it and dont know what to do


Posts: 4
Joined: 01 Oct 2021

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