Réflexions et recherches sur l'encodage en bas débit (SR < 500 kS/s) et très bas débit (SR < 150 kS/s)
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Re: FreeSteamCoder V2.50 for DVB-S DVB-S2 DVB-T

Messagede F1EJP » Jeu 12 Aoû 2021 08:04


Merci pour vos tests :)
Bientôt une nouvelle version avec quelques ajouts et améliorations

Thank you all for your tests.
New version soon with some additions and improvements

73, Dominique FEJP
Messages: 112
Inscription: 13 Mar 2018

Re: FreeSteamCoder V2.50 for DVB-S DVB-S2 DVB-T

Messagede VK3IE » Jeu 12 Aoû 2021 08:42

Thank you more to the point for the fine work....

Messages: 11
Inscription: 06 Avr 2020

Re: FreeSteamCoder V2.50 for DVB-S DVB-S2 DVB-T

Messagede G8YTZ » Sam 14 Aoû 2021 05:53


This might be an enhancement request.

Is it possible to use your software to stream from a webcam direct without OBS or VMIX? I ask this because I have a Black Magic ATEM Mini switcher and this device presents itself as a webcam to the PC.


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Messages: 10
Inscription: 09 Sep 2012
Localisation: London

Re: FreeSteamCoder V2.50 for DVB-S DVB-S2 DVB-T

Messagede F1EJP » Dim 15 Aoû 2021 21:01

Hello Justin,

Using obs is the easiest.
To detect black magic or a USB webcam, Direct Show would have to be used with ffmpeg but that would require a new development and be able to test with the equipment. I don't have the option at the moment.

73 Dominique F1EJP
Messages: 112
Inscription: 13 Mar 2018

Re: FreeSteamCoder V2.50 for DVB-S DVB-S2 DVB-T

Messagede F1EJP » Lun 16 Aoû 2021 09:53


Voici une nouvelle version de FreeStreamCoder avec quelques ajouts et améliorations.

- Pour l'Audio : ajout du 48 kb/s et possibilité de supprimer le flux Audio. (intéressant pour les très bas débits)
- possibilité de modifier l'identité des flux audio et video

73 à tous


Here is a new version of FreeStreamCoder with some additions and improvements.

- For Audio: addition of 48 kb / s and possibility of deleting the Audio stream. (interesting for very low speeds)
- possibility to modify the identity of audio and video streams

73 at all
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Messages: 112
Inscription: 13 Mar 2018

Re: FreeSteamCoder V2.50 for DVB-S DVB-S2 DVB-T

Messagede PA3GUO » Mer 1 Sep 2021 18:32

Hi Dominique

It's fantastic !

I am using Portsdown 2020 on QO100.
Until now OBS in recording mode, on a 7 year old Intel I5 + FFMPEG.

I installed your FreeStreamingCoder SW, and now I have
- 'free' upgrade from H264 to H265 (better picture quality at same RF power)
- less delay (encoding is about 4 seconds faster)
- no stuttering video (in moving videos / movies

- Settings ENCODER: SOFT (I have no Nvidea, and selecting Intel also doesnt work)

A question still: in OBS I used to create a PROFILE (eg 333ks/FEC3/4), do I still need to do this or is that with the VirtualCam no longer needed ?

Best regards
Henk / PA3GUO
Messages: 1
Inscription: 17 Avr 2020

Re: FreeSteamCoder V2.50 for DVB-S DVB-S2 DVB-T

Messagede F1EJP » Mer 1 Sep 2021 21:09

hi henk
I am glad it is working well for you :D
Normally no need to use profile on OBS to work just install virtual cam
good tests

Bonjour henk
Je suis heureux que cela fonctionne bien pour vous !
Normalement pas besoin d'utiliser de profile sur OBS pour fonctionner juste installer virtual cam
bon tests

73 Dominique F1EJP
Messages: 112
Inscription: 13 Mar 2018

Re: FreeSteamCoder V2.50 for DVB-S DVB-S2 DVB-T

Messagede createmedia » Lun 20 Sep 2021 00:27


I am using streamer 2.5 with DATV Express and VMix

Very good to have the User Interface.

Virtual Audio Cable as an audio source would be nice please

333k/s source VMix 1280 by 720.

Sound is intermittent. Reduce resolution to 864x486 in VMix sound OK but no 864x486 resolution setting in streamer says 1280 by 720 but crashes Minitioune after about 5 minutes of transmit. Minitioune happy with 8PSK and 16 or32 APSK with all other settings the same.

There is a poor match between the allowed frame sizes in VMix to The frame sizes available in the streamer.

Mike G8LES
Messages: 5
Inscription: 07 Mar 2019

Re: FreeSteamCoder V2.50 for DVB-S DVB-S2 DVB-T

Messagede F1EJP » Lun 20 Sep 2021 19:57

Bonjour Mike
La résolution de sortie n'a pas besoin d'être identique à celle de l'entrée.
La résolution proposé est par défaut mais vous pouvez en choisir une autre.
Si ffmpeg utilisé par le logiciel plante vous devez choisir la résolution inférieure 960x540
Dans une prochaine version je proposerais plus de choix de résolution mais en restant dans les standards uniquement en video 16/9

Hello Mike
The output resolution does not need to be the same as that of the input.
The proposed resolution is by default but you can choose another one.
If If ffmpeg used by the software crashes you must choose the lower resolution 960x540
In a future version I would offer more choice of resolution but remaining within the standards only in 16/9 video

source Wikipedia:
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Messages: 112
Inscription: 13 Mar 2018

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