No: TBS works with BDA drivers,
Tutioune or Minitioune works with a specific driver that allows to do more things ( all measurement in real time during receiving, very low Symbol rate, the maximum of choices for the frequency ...)
The new software is Minitioune
http://www.vivadatv.org/viewtopic.php?f=80&t=401 that works with a MiniTiouner . Between 300 and 400 MiniTiouners have been built all around the world.
Kits have been sold by the BATC
Kits have been made also in France , in your Country...
The new
MiniTiounerPro that will be available very soon has a
dual tuner and
dual demodulator inside ( STV6120 tuner and STV0910A demod) and frequency can be from 144 MHz up to 2450 MHz without any converter.
Kits will be available soon from the BATC and in France the model will be furnished already built.
The new software MiniTiounePro is ready for this new hardware :
http://www.vivadatv.org/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=386you can see that I can receive at same time 2 different DATV stations, on the 2meters band, or 70 cm band or 23cm band or 13 cm band.
The schematic of MiniTiounerPro is here :
http://www.vivadatv.org/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=409The cost of the MiniTiounerPro will be under 100 euros.
Jean-Pierre F6DZP