Tutioune1600 notes DirectShow Graph Issue

Messagede oe6rke » Dim 13 Juil 2014 19:03


first of all i like the Software a lot. it's very handy to receive several datv sources.
But for some reason it sopped working a few days ago:

During Startup i get a message "DirectShow Start error --> verifiy your Video.grf file" on a windos 7 32 bit engine.
to fix the issue i tried:
*) reinstallation of LavFilters-0.61.1
*) re registering of isrc.ax
*) update of DirectX and checking Status with dxdiag
*) checking graph with "checkTutioneDrivesAndFilters_V4.3"
*) testing with Tutioune1600 V0_4b, V0_5b_ISS and V0_5c_ISS.exe

so i'm pretty clueless what caused the issue. any help or info is very appreciated.

many thanks, Robert, 73 de oe6rke
Messages: 2
Inscription: 08 Mar 2014

Re: Tutioune1600 notes DirectShow Graph Issue

Messagede F6DZP » Jeu 17 Juil 2014 06:14

Hello Robert,

> checking graph with "checkTutioneDrivesAndFilters_V4.3"
Do you have all Led green? and can you see the little video and hear audio?

> have you downloaded GraphstudioNext and can you load and observe the "decod mpeg2.grf" file?
( this file must be in the same directory than Tutioune)
Jean Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

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