I suppose the default setup ( first freq and SR buttons) give you no signal for the moment. You are waiting for an ISS pass to receive HamTV.
you will see that presentation, showing 4 panels:
-Tuner and Web Setup panel
-Measurement panel
-Decoding/recording panel
-Video display panel
-Tuner and Web Setup panel
This panel uses data written in tutioune1600.ini file to show your preferred frequencies and Symbol Rate. You have just to click on a frequency, click on one SR value and the tuner will use these values.
You can also set 13v or 18v if you need it for your converter, pre-amplifier or LNB.
22kHz is use for some LNB to switch from LoBand to HiBand.
the Web info ( coming from tutioune1600.ini file) will be sent to your Tiounemonitor when you will press the Web Button.
Measurement panel
with best condition we could have:
Carrier Freq lock and SR timing lock are similar but RF level better, and MER at its maximum : 26 dB. Absolutely no error to be corrected.
Decoding/recording panel
with all led green you can receive and decode video & audio :
Download Tutioune1600 here : viewtopic.php?f=60&t=214 ( you must be registered)
(I will prepare another separate explanation about Tutioune1600 installation)
Jean Pierre F6DZP