Emission 25Ks to 2Ms: GENERATE FLUX IPTV with OBS + FFMPEG +

Postby F1EJP » Wed 24 Feb 2021 13:22

Emission 25Ks to 2Ms: GENERATE FLUX IPTV with OBS + FFMPEG + NVIDIA card + Script
> Step by step explanation (Tested on Portsdown)

You have to "search" everywhere on the NET to find the explanations and make the choice of software and equipment to use for the DATV program. I wanted to summarize here for you a little explanatory tutorial to generate an MPEGTS stream usable with Portsdown and LimeSDR mini but also any broadcast channel accepting an IPTV input: Express DVB Transmiter or Plutot (not tested)
Here is a first version of script successfully tested on Portsdown with LimeSDR mini
Inspired by the scripts found on the BACT Forum I created this script to generate a TSMPEG stream in H264 or H265 for the different types of BVBS DVBS2 modulation in 4, 8, 16, 32 PSK
For this, I bought a Graphics card for my NVIDIA GTX 1660 pc
FFMPEG can use GPU processors from NVIDIA cards to compress to H264 and H265
I have not been able to test with other models, please give me your feedback during your testing.

traduction from this forum
see attached
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Emission 25Ks to 2Ms English.pdf
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Joined: 13 Mar 2018

Re: Emission 25Ks to 2Ms: GENERATE FLUX IPTV with OBS + FFMP

Postby G7JTT » Wed 24 Feb 2021 18:49

Excellent work seems to be work very well on all the common modes I use and those I haven't managed to get to work. My setup is a Portsdown 2020 with a I5 laptop with a RTX2060 video card.

The only edit I have made is to add the line "taskkill /F /IM ffmpeg.exe" just after the pause before ffmpeg starts,

Code: Select all
taskkill /F /IM ffmpeg.exe
if %COD%==1 (

This is so I can start the batch file a second time to change parameters without having to remember to stop the first instance of ffmpeg.

Many thanks for sharing, 73 John G7JTT
Posts: 10
Joined: 09 Nov 2016

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