]My experience to date during HAMTV tests ending 6th August 2014 using Yaesu G5400.
I'm looking to share information and get feedback from others attempting to use this rotator.
Is it a lost cause?
My main problem is tracking over 35deg. As can be seen from the TiouneData Reader . I receive good data at the beginning and at the end of pass.
If I offset elevation by +2deg I receive Data only above 40deg, no data below this Elevation. There is no improvement changing Azimuth offsets.
I have recalibrated AZ and EL as carefully as possible many times. Elevation and Azimuth tracking calibration by the Sun is excellent all day.
Any comments are welcome.
My set-up:-
Rotator Yaesu G5400
1.2mtr offset dish
Kuhne Downconverter LNC-23TM
LVB Tracker interface
PCI Card TT S2-3200
Tutioune DVB