TT-1600 and software trouble

Postby kb3pmr » Sat 19 Apr 2014 16:34

I just got a new dish and lnb for the tt1600 set up. I want to first get FTA tv and then finish the setup for HamTV. In trying to get the TT-Viewer to work it will not find my USB2.0 BDADVBS Tuner when searching under hardware, general settings. Windows 7. But trying to run it under xp service pack 3. I have not has success with windows 7 or XP in TT Viewer finding it.

If you have any idea at all please contact me off line at

Thank you in advance
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Location: Fredericksburg, Pa.

Re: TT-1600 and software trouble

Postby F6DZP » Sun 20 Apr 2014 05:29

Hello Bob,

Very strange the message "it will not find my USB2.0 BDA DVBS Tuner"
TT S2-1600 is a PCI tuner card not USB2.0. Perhaps you have not installed the good driver?

You can use your TT s2-1600 with 2 kinds of driver:
1) BDA driver given by Technotrend.
That will allow you to use TT-viewer or other standard software like DVB-viewer, DVB dream, TransEdit, WatchTVpro...
But if you run Tutioune with this driver, Tutioune will not find the card

2)SAA7146a driver
That will allow you to use Tutioune1600, NoisePowerMeasurement, TinySpectrumAnalyser.
But if you run TT_viewer or another standard software, they will not find the hardware as they can work only with BDA driver.

Sometimes I have found TT S2-1600 that had their ProductID (a number in their EEprom memory) that was wrong, so none of software can recognize the hardware. You can check that by using SAA7146a driver and 'CheckTutioune DriverAndFilters " software that gives you all information about your card and product ID. You can copy these information and send me them.

You can receive FTA TV with Tutioune1600. This is a good first step for learning how to use Tutioune.

If you will not find the solution, I can find it myself by using Teamviewer to work directly on your PC.

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Posts: 1129
Joined: 24 Dec 2010

Re: TT-1600 and software trouble

Postby Hurty » Mon 21 Apr 2014 19:49

Hi I to have a problem with the card detection. Techno Trend viewer software works fine. The card in d 64 bit version and the task manager sevice manager is seen but with BDA driver. without this card is unknown. I run the SAA7146A software and the task manager shows it as running but titotune check shows no SAA7146 driver detected or no card. So how do you get the SAA7146 and BCD driver out of conflict? I cannot work any way around this?
Adrian G0OJY
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Re: TT-1600 and software trouble

Postby F6DZP » Tue 22 Apr 2014 15:29

There is no confict between the2 drivers as you can run only one driver at a time.
When you install BDA driver, if SAA7146a driver is already installed it disappear.
When you installSAA7146a driver, if BDA driver is already installed it disappear.

So it is very easy to switch from one driver to the other.

If you are using Win7 64 bits, it is more difficult to install SAA7146a driver. Look at:

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Posts: 1129
Joined: 24 Dec 2010

Re: TT-1600 and software trouble

Postby kb3pmr » Sat 24 May 2014 09:07

Sorry for the delay in responding here. I am somewhat confused regarding your statement:

There is no confict between the2 drivers as you can run only one driver at a time.
When you install BDA driver, if SAA7146a driver is already installed it disappear.
When you installSAA7146a driver, if BDA driver is already installed it disappear.

What I am understanding is that if you have one of the drivers installed and try to install the other the 1st. one will be overwritten. Thus the option to use one or the other would require a re-install. If this is the case is there no easy way to maintain both drivers in the system so moving from 2 tune to tt viewer can be a simple process. Or am I totally missing the point.

Bob kb3pmr
Posts: 16
Joined: 19 Aug 2013
Location: Fredericksburg, Pa.

Re: TT-1600 and software trouble

Postby F6DZP » Mon 26 May 2014 16:25

if you have one of the drivers installed and try to install the other the 1st. one will be overwritten ==> YES
Thus the option to use one or the other would require a re-install. ==> YES
is there no easy way to maintain both drivers in the system ==> NO

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Posts: 1129
Joined: 24 Dec 2010

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