Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede F6DZP » Lun 17 Mar 2014 09:44

The best condition never found before! I got 6mn18sec of continuous video

First video TS acquisition at 10h14mn 59 sec
some lost of video
at 10h15mn37 sec a very good video sequence start :

6 mn 18 sec of TS continuously received

at 10h 21mn 45 sec lost of TS

at LOT (lost of TS - not LOS) Elevation was about 7° distance was 1700 km

F6DZP_TiounedataReader_17_03_2014_10h14_2395MHz.jpg (161.49 Kio) Vu 62371 fois

at Max elevation : 74.4 ° MER was 24 dB using TT S2-1600

F6DZP tiounemonitor 17_03_2014_10h14.jpg
F6DZP tiounemonitor 17_03_2014_10h14.jpg (52.43 Kio) Vu 62371 fois

S2-1600 17_03_2014_10h14_23dB MER.jpg
S2-1600 17_03_2014_10h14_23dB MER.jpg (67.36 Kio) Vu 62371 fois

I am happy!

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Dernière édition par F6DZP le Lun 17 Mar 2014 15:44, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede F6DZP » Lun 17 Mar 2014 14:04

IK1SLD report

IK1SLD_tiouneData_17_03_2014_07h30.jpg (181.41 Kio) Vu 62285 fois

Best MER = 12 dB at 7h 43mn 21sec


IK1SLD_tiouneData_17_03_2014_09h14.jpg (180.53 Kio) Vu 62285 fois

Best MER about 19dB in the middle of the pass.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 18 Mar 2014 05:29

last pass was also successful and confirm that this frequency is very clean for me : absolutely no interference.
AOT ( acquisition of TS) start at 06h 13mn 01sec and stop (LOT = lost of TS)at 6h 17mn 45sec that give me 4mn 44 sec of video with no lost of packet.

As I have some buildings at the start and end of this pass, AOT started at 25° and LOT finish at 12°.

F6DZP_TiounedataReader_18_03_2014_06h12_2395MHz.jpg (155.04 Kio) Vu 62247 fois

Best MER is 22 dB at max elevation : 59 °.

F6DZP tiounemonitor 18_03_2014_06h12.jpg
F6DZP tiounemonitor 18_03_2014_06h12.jpg (54 Kio) Vu 62247 fois

This graphic is a recording of only 1 point by mn , so the best MER 22dB is not shown as it was between 6h14 and 6h15.

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 18 Mar 2014 08:03

News from VK6MJ:

VK6MJ_TiouneData_18_03_2014_15h23.jpg (179.57 Kio) Vu 62242 fois

Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 18 Mar 2014 08:43

my last pass

F6DZP_TiounedataReader_18_03_2014_09h25_2395MHz.jpg (159.31 Kio) Vu 62241 fois

we can see in the middle of the pass that MER goes down and goes up, that give a V and show that my tracking was a little Off when ISS speed is at max and after some sec, we recover a good tracking.
Dernière édition par F6DZP le Mar 18 Mar 2014 12:56, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede i0kpt » Mar 18 Mar 2014 10:56

Dear Jean Pierre, dear all,
thank you again for these beautifull results!!! HAMTV is showing good performances at each pass! OM's receiving stations are performing at the best!

I like the new terms AOT and LOT that Jean Pierre created!!!

Good luck, good track!

Piero, I0KPT
Dernière édition par i0kpt le Mar 18 Mar 2014 16:14, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 5
Inscription: 29 Mar 2013

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede F6DZP » Mar 18 Mar 2014 13:08

Last data from Claudio IK1SLD :

IK1SLD_tiouneData_18_03_2014_03h34.jpg (173.86 Kio) Vu 62234 fois

IK1SLD_tiouneData_18_03_2014_04h25.jpg (161.72 Kio) Vu 62234 fois

IK1SLD_tiouneData_18_03_2014_06h47.jpg (168.11 Kio) Vu 62234 fois

IK1SLD_tiouneData_18_03_2014_08h24.jpg (165.33 Kio) Vu 62234 fois
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede i0kpt » Mar 18 Mar 2014 16:21

According to a private communication from IK1SLD, please note that the sudden and complete Lost-of-TS that appears in the last image (IK1SLD_tiouneData_18_03_2014_08h24.jpg) was due to an Azimuth offset that IK1SLD involuntarily added for a while.
Best 73

Piero, I0KPT
Messages: 5
Inscription: 29 Mar 2013

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede F6DZP » Mer 19 Mar 2014 04:53

Thank you Piero for the informations about IK1SLD pass.

Today 19 March:

F6DZP tiounemonitor 19_03_2014_05h22.jpg
F6DZP tiounemonitor 19_03_2014_05h22.jpg (52.57 Kio) Vu 62212 fois

F6DZP_TiounedataReader_19_03_2014_05h22_2395MHz.jpg (158.24 Kio) Vu 62212 fois

This pass had a max Elevation of 85°. We can see that MER goes up to 24 dB and there is a hollow in the middle of the pass, that don(t make lost of TS but show again the difficulty that come with tracking at high speed for very high pass. We recover very good MER after some sec and the pass continue normally.

AOT start with 30°Elevation at 5h24:10 local LOT end the pass with 13.5° elevation about 1200 km at 5h28:32 . Max MER = 24dB
So I got only 4mn22 of good video.

another pass : 8h36 local time Max elevation 41° Max MER = 17 dB
F6DZP_TiounedataReader_19_03_2014_08h38_2395MHz.jpg (156.47 Kio) Vu 62206 fois

Last pass of the day : 10h14 local time ( 9h14 UTC) - South pass - Max elevation 53°

AOT started briefly with 10° elevation but some trees make me wait 20° to get again TS at 10h 14:45
LOT was done for 11° elevation 1500km distance at 10h20:07

5mn22 of continuous TS ( = video+ audio)

F6DZP tiounemonitor 19_03_2014_10h14.jpg
F6DZP tiounemonitor 19_03_2014_10h14.jpg (54.36 Kio) Vu 62209 fois

F6DZP_TiounedataReader_19_03_2014_10h14_2395MHz.jpg (149 Kio) Vu 62209 fois

Max MER = 17 dB

Jean Pierre F6DZP
Dernière édition par F6DZP le Mer 19 Mar 2014 13:16, édité 3 fois.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: ISS HamTV Blank transmission report

Messagede F6DZP » Mer 19 Mar 2014 12:59

IK1SLD reports.
Time is UTC, not local Time. It is a good Idea, I will try to do that now.

IK1SLD_tiouneData_19_03_2014_04h20.jpg (175.45 Kio) Vu 62208 fois

Like me, there is little Hollow in the middle of the pass due to High ISS speed with this great elevation pass.
Max MER is 14.5 dB

IK1SLD_tiouneData_19_03_2014_07h33.jpg (166.11 Kio) Vu 62208 fois

Max MER is 13.5 dB but enough to receive more than 6mn of TS. Very good!

IK1SLD_tiouneData_19_03_2014_09h14.jpg (196.7 Kio) Vu 62208 fois

south path. The station seems to like less than Nord passes.
Max MER 10dB.
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

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