Best tutioune1600 setup for HamTV and Wifi Intereferences

Postby F6DZP » Sun 9 Mar 2014 10:06


I have seen that TT S2-1600 has some difficulties to lock when we have Wifi Interferences.
I have made some tests this morning, sending low 2.422 GHz SR1300 signal received mixed with Wifi interferences.

The best improvement that can be done is to change AGC post Nyquist compensation speed to 4 (or 5 max).
That allow the IQ AGC to act more quickly to "shut down" wifi interferences.

The other improvement, depending your signal strength is to set BBgain to 10dB or more.

Tutioune1600 setup for wifi interferences.jpg
Tutioune1600 setup for wifi interferences.jpg (163.54 KiB) Viewed 41152 times

(On this picture I have put the offset freq value to 00916500 that is the L.O. of Kuhne KN23 LNB, take care to give the real value of the down converter you are using )

Good luck.

Jean Pierre F6DZP
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Joined: 24 Dec 2010

Re: Best tutioune1600 setup for HamTV and Wifi Intereference

Postby kb3pmr » Sun 9 Mar 2014 22:33

I am still having trouble even after these fixes. In going thru my computer I found a previous version of TSA.ini that is not in my new directory on the new computer I am using. It seems to cover the Chineese and Kuhne converters but I am running a High Sierra converter. Am I missing something here in not having the file in the 2tune directory or wrong data in my existing 2tune.ini?

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Re: Best tutioune1600 setup for HamTV and Wifi Intereference

Postby zg3409 » Sun 9 Mar 2014 23:31

kb3pmr wrote:I am still having trouble even after these fixes. In going thru my computer I found a previous version of TSA.ini that is not in my new directory on the new computer I am using. It seems to cover the Chineese and Kuhne converters but I am running a High Sierra converter. Am I missing something here in not having the file in the 2tune directory or wrong data in my existing 2tune.ini?

The ini file simply loads preset values, such as preset button values and default settings. You can also change the values on the screen afterwards.

For example from my ini:

; S-LNB chinese offset
; Offset3Value=03650000
; Kuhne MKU23 offset
Offset3Value =00916500
Freq3Text=2369 MHz

If I press the third button down (labelled 2369Mhz by Freq3Text= xxxxx) it will change the frequency to 02369000 (2369Mhz) and set the offset value to 00916500 which is the 916.5Mhz down conversion frequency used by the Kuhne brand downconverter. In reality what happens is the satellite signal of 2369Mhz goes through the downconverter and "loses" 916.5Mhz (2369-916.5Mhz) = 1452.5Mhz and so the satellite card checks at 1452.5Mhz for the signal.

If your downconverter uses 3650Mhz (chinese) they you would remove the ; before
; Offset3Value=03650000

and add an extra ; at
;Offset3Value =00916500

The ; symbol tells the software to ignore every value after the ; so those letters just become comments.

In this way you can preset all the preset buttons to quickly select the correct frequency and downconverter setting depending on what you need.

If you tell me your downconverter LO or mixer frequency I can tell you the correct values to use. It should be on the paperwork or specifications for the downconverter.

There is no need to edit the ini , you can enter the values each time you start the software instead.
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Re: Best tutioune1600 setup for HamTV and Wifi Intereference

Postby kb3pmr » Sun 9 Mar 2014 23:50

High Sierra Microwave
Model 2400-Hamtv-dc
Rf Freq. 2350 to 2450 MHZ
IF Freq. 1433.5 to 1533.5 MHz (2400 MHz to 1483.5 MHz)
Noise Fig. 0.95 dB
Gain 41 dB
Image rejection: >40 dB
LO level in IF: 916.5 MHz at -32 dBm
Freq Stability: +/_ 50 PPM over 0 to +50C
Freq Accuracy +/_ 30 PPM at 25C
Input Power: 12.5 to 19 Vdc at 180mA

Thank you for the quick reply
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Location: Fredericksburg, Pa.

Re: Best tutioune1600 setup for HamTV and Wifi Intereference

Postby zg3409 » Mon 10 Mar 2014 11:13

kb3pmr wrote:High Sierra Microwave
Model 2400-Hamtv-dc
Rf Freq. 2350 to 2450 MHZ
IF Freq. 1433.5 to 1533.5 MHz (2400 MHz to 1483.5 MHz)
Noise Fig. 0.95 dB
Gain 41 dB
Image rejection: >40 dB
LO level in IF: 916.5 MHz at -32 dBm
Freq Stability: +/_ 50 PPM over 0 to +50C
Freq Accuracy +/_ 30 PPM at 25C
Input Power: 12.5 to 19 Vdc at 180mA

The settings for the High Sierra seem to be the same as the Kuhne. The main difference is my Kuhne has a gain of 48dB and noise of 0.7dB. That aside the settings for Tutioune should be the same.

Without changing the .ini file
SR (kS) of 01300
Freq (Khz) of 02422000
Offset-> 00916500

If you press the SR1300 grey button and the 2422Mhz grey button these values should appear in the boxes above.
Posts: 8
Joined: 05 Mar 2014

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