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Flash Player Help

Messagede No Spam » Sam 6 Juil 2019 21:13

I hope this is in the right section.

Whenever I try to watch any video on the TioneMonitor I always get the message "You need to upgrade your Flash Player"
But how ? What version does it need ? As far as I know it is up to date.

Many thanks

No Spam
Messages: 3
Inscription: 26 Avr 2019

Re: Flash Player Help

Messagede F6DZP » Dim 7 Juil 2019 05:43


you need a Flash player plugging inside your navigator, not the independant Flash Player software
which navigator are you using?
some like Chrome doesn't allow Flash player to work I think.
try another.
I use FireFox. no problem with it.

Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Messages: 1129
Inscription: 24 Déc 2010

Re: Flash Player Help

Messagede No Spam » Dim 7 Juil 2019 18:51


Yes I am using Chrome. I will try I.E
No Spam
Messages: 3
Inscription: 26 Avr 2019

Re: Flash Player Help

Messagede No Spam » Dim 7 Juil 2019 18:58

No luck with I.E either :-(
No Spam
Messages: 3
Inscription: 26 Avr 2019

Re: Flash Player Help

Messagede F6GWE » Mer 11 Sep 2019 09:58

No Spam a écrit:Hi
I hope this is in the right section.

Whenever I try to watch any video on the TioneMonitor I always get the message "You need to upgrade your Flash Player"
But how ? What version does it need ? As far as I know it is up to date.

Many thanks



IE and Chrome need you authorize Flash Player

click on left "" (on IE its a padlock and exclamation point on Chrome) you will see a bar menu

Messages: 29
Inscription: 16 Fév 2017

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